Drivers urged to buy £50 accessory to reduce car insurance and 'protect against theft'

With almost all motorists facing an increase in the cost of car insurance, a driving expert has shared an affordable accessory to lower the price of cover.

The average cost of car insurance has recently increased due to a rise in price for labour and parts (Image: Getty)

The temporary car cover provider has shared a useful tip that can help motorists reduce the cost of their car insurance.


Due to an increase in parts and labour costs, car insurance prices have continued to rise during the first half of 2024, with many paying more than £1,000 per year to cover their car.

However, Paul Daly, Director of, suggested that one way in which drivers can lower their insurance fees is by fitting a dashcam to their vehicle.

He explained: "A growing number of insurers recognise the value of dashcams, as they not only help identify fault in the unfortunate event of an accident but also to protect against potential insurance fraud.

"Dashcams have a significant role to play in insurance claim disputes, as they provide unbiased and reliable footage, which can be the decisive factor in establishing the chain of events leading to an accident."

A dashcam can be used to record evidence of a crash, making it easier to see who was at fault (Image: Getty)

A small camera typically placed on the windscreen of a vehicle, dashcams continuously record whilst the vehicle is being driven or has the ignition switched on.

These devices, which typically sell for between £50 and £300, can help motorists who are involved in accidents provide evidence to their insurer in the event of an accident.

Similarly, many of the high-end dashcam models also feature sensors and battery packs to activate the device if thieves attempt to break into the car, making it more difficult to steal.

Some dashcams also use motion sensors and a battery to record anyone attempting to break in (Image: Getty)

Paul noted that dashcams can help to make insurers aware of exactly what occurred during a vehicle collision, including who is at fault.

He added: "By eliminating the 'he said, she said' disputes that can often arise, insurers can save significant administrative costs, savings that can potentially be passed back to policyholders through the means of discounts.


"In fact, in some cases insurers will offer to either reduce or waive the policy excess when a dashcam is fitted."

Drivers who are hoping to reduce the cost of their car insurance should also consider adding another named driver as a secondary user of their vehicle.

By adding another motorist who has no points on their licence, drivers are telling their insurer that they are safe behind the wheel.

A number of motoring experts highlighted that this tip can be particularly helpful to drivers who have only recently passed their test or have previous claims or convictions.