WASPI campaigners set out next steps to pile pressure on new MPs to deliver compensation

EXCLUSIVE: The campaigners say they will be in touch with all the new MPs renewing calls for payouts.

By Nicholas Dawson, Finance Reporter based in London, covering personal finance with a focus on the state pension and retirement planning.

WASPI campaigners in action

WASPI campaigners are hoping to secure compensation (Image: GETTY)

The WASPI (Women against state pension inequality) campaign have pledged to renew their fight for compensation payouts with the new cohort of MPs heading to Westminster.

Campaign chair, Angela Madden, told Express.co.uk: "Our next steps for moving the campaign forward are to write to all the new MPs and make sure they are absolutely aware of WASPI and what we want.

"We will try and work with whoever the Work and Pensions Secretary is, to get a result for WASPI women, to talk about the report and get something in place for compensating the WASPI women."

Many individual MPs taking up their seats in the House of Commons have backed calls for compensation, and a landmark report from the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman has recommended payouts of between £1,000 and £2,950.

The campaign will also have a fresh wave of MP support from the Liberal Democrats, who backed calls for compensation in their manifesto, and who now have 71 MPs.


Ms Madden said the Lib Dems would provide a "loud voice" for their cause in the House of Commons.

She said: "They have consistently supported us and they will be a loud voice for us in Parliament.

"Wendy Chamberlain has kept her seat and she was the spokesperson for Work and Pensions for the Lib Dems, so hopefully there will be some continuity there for us.

A woman checks her bills

Campaigners are hoping to secure compensation for the WASPI generation of women (Image: GETTY)

"It's just a pity that they're no the second party, rather than the third."

The campaign made some notable progress in the last Parliament, with a bill put forward to set out how compensation could work.

The previous Work and Pensions Committee also agreed that the WASPI women should get compensation.

There was a key setback for the campaign with loss of several SNP MPs who backed their cause.

This included Marion Fellows who lost her seat to her Labour contender - she previously told Express.co.uk there should be payouts of £10,000 or more.

The SNP as a party previously said there should be payouts for the WASPI women, with a motion approved by the previous Scottish Parliament saying there should be "compensation in full" for the women.

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