

    • Plenary session 

      1. No event for this day 
    • President's agenda 

      Strasbourg, France

      17:30 President Metsola participates in the EU Flag-Raising Ceremony

      18:00 President Metsola presides over the Medal Award Ceremony for Outgoing Members of the 9th legislative term of the European Parliament

      19:30 President Metsola presides over the European Parliament’s Bureau

    • Conference Of Presidents 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Press conferences 

        Antoni COMÍN I OLIVERES (NI, ES) on his seat as MEP 
        Strasbourg, Louise Weiss, WEISS N-1/201 
    • Conciliation/Trialogue 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Parliamentary committees 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Delegations 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Public hearings 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Special events 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Official visits 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Formal sittings 

      1. No event for this day 


    • Plenary session 

      1. No event for this day 
    • President's agenda 

      European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg

      European Parliament’s constitutive plenary session

    • Conference Of Presidents 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Press conferences 

        Last minute session briefing 
        Strasbourg, Louise Weiss, WEISS N-1/201 
        Briefing The Left  
        Strasbourg, Louise Weiss, N-1/201 

        Manon AUBRY (The Left,FR) and Martin SCHIRDEWAN (The Left,DE), Co-Presidents

        Roberta Metsola, new President of the European Parliament 
        Strasbourg, Louise Weiss, N-1/201 
    • Conciliation/Trialogue 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Parliamentary committees 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Delegations 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Public hearings 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Special events 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Official visits 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Formal sittings 

      1. No event for this day 


    • Plenary session 

      1. No event for this day 
    • President's agenda 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Conference Of Presidents 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Press conferences 

        50 years since the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974: Reflections on half a century of occupation and the struggle for justice 
        Strasbourg, Louise Weiss, N-1/201 

        Nicola PROACCINI (ECR, IT), Co-President of the ECR Group, Geadis GEADI (ECR, CY), Emmanouil FRAGKOS (ECR, GR)

    • Conciliation/Trialogue 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Parliamentary committees 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Delegations 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Public hearings 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Special events 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Official visits 

      1. No event for this day 
    • Formal sittings 

      1. No event for this day