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    The European Investment Bank is one of the world’s main financiers of climate action and environmental sustainability.

    The decade 2021-2030 is critical to address our planet's climate and environmental emergency. To achieve this, trillions of euros of investment are required. We must:

    • limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by the end of this century,
    • adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change
    • combat environmental degradation,
    • halt biodiversity loss, and
    • stop widening inequalities.

    The European Union is at the forefront of the global fight against climate change and environmental degradation. With the European Green Deal, the EU aims at making the European economy sustainable and inclusive. The EIB is an important partner in this new growth strategy, and plays a leading role in the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals

    We put sustainable development at the heart of our activities. All our projects must meet our Environmental and Social Standards, with social development considerations mainstreamed in everything we do.

    The climate crisis impacts everyone, especially women. The EIB Group has launched the Women Climate Leaders Network to leverage women's leadership in the areas of climate action, environment and sustainability. The network gathers women leaders from the private sector who have showcased exceptional drive for climate action.

    EU climate bank

    The EIB Group Climate Bank Roadmap 2021-2025 guides our climate ambition. The Roadmap signals the urgency of the climate and environment crisis and represents our commitment, as the EU climate bank, to support the European Green Deal, help Europe become the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050 and contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

      Find out more about EIB’s participation at COP28.

    Our climate and environmental sustainability financing

    In 2023, the share of EIB investments that went to climate action and environmental sustainability projects rose to €44.3 billion, or 60%*.

    * Climate action and environmental sustainability financing by the EIB, own resources. Figures are unaudited and provisional.

    Key areas

    Our lending is aligned with the Paris Agreement and promotes adaptation, mitigation and environmental sustainability

    Find out how the roadmap provides a framework to counter climate change and protect the environment during the critical decade ahead

    We carefully check that our projects meet our environmental and social principles and standards and conform with our corporate responsibility commitments

    We work with many parts of the public and private sectors to increase investment in projects that help the climate and environment

    Curious about the green transition?

    Our latest stories, videos, podcasts, reports and surveys illustrate inspiring projects, citizens’ and businesses’ concerns and teach about climate change and environmental sustainability.

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