The Americas | Influencer and president

Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s mañaneras boost his presidency

They are a marvel of populist communication

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador during a news conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico.
Photograph: Getty Images
|Mexico City

Self-respecting populists speak to the people directly. Few have mastered the art like Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico’s outgoing 70-year-old president. Every weekday morning at 7am begins his mañanera, a several-hour-long broadcast from wherever he is that day, often the National Palace. Broadcast on YouTube, as well as radio stations and a podcast, each mañanera reaches an average audience of 10m.

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This article appeared in the The Americas section of the print edition under the headline “Influencer first, president second”

Meet America’s most dynamic political movement

From the June 1st 2024 edition

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