Science and technology | Viruses

A deadly new strain of mpox is raising alarm

Health officials warn it could soon spread beyond the Democratic Republic of Congo

Children with lesions, one of the symptoms of Monkey Pox.
Photograph: Panos

MPOX IS A viral infection typically found in parts of Africa and spread through contact with infected animals as well as within households. It causes severe fever, flu-like symptoms and a rash of pus-filled blisters across the body. In 2022 the disease, formerly known as monkeypox, spread around the world—cases turned up everywhere from Nigeria to America and Australia. A newly discovered strain of the virus, described by some researchers as the most dangerous yet, now threatens to spread beyond the Democratic Republic of Congo into neighbouring countries such as Rwanda, Burundi and Uganda.

This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline “Breaking out”

France’s centre cannot hold

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