Leaders | Raising Argentina

Javier Milei’s next move could make his presidency—or break it

Radical experiments with the currency could spell disaster

Javier Milei
Photograph: Augusto Casasoli/Foto A3/Contraso/Eyevine

WHEN ARGENTINA’S president, Javier Milei, donned his leather jacket and belted out rock songs to a stadium last month he cut an eccentric figure. And when he insults his country’s Congress (“a nest of rats”), the governor of Buenos Aires province (“a communist dwarf”) and Spain’s prime minister (“the laughing stock of Europe”), he comes across as just another boorish populist. Both characterisations have a grain of truth. Even so, by most economic measures Mr Milei is beating expectations.

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This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Raising Argentina”

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