Leaders | Prudent pensioners, profligate politicians

What penny-pinching baby-boomers mean for the world economy

They are saving like never before. But even that may not bring interest rates down

Illustration of a hand holding a walking stick that is stood on top of a wad of cash
Illustration: Vincent Kilbride

THE WEST’S baby-boomers are the richest generation ever to have lived—but they do not spend like it. Instead, as we report this week, the elderly are squirrelling away money, motivated by ever-longer retirements, the risk that they will need to pay for old-age care, the inevitable uncertainty about how long they will survive and the desire to pass on assets to their children. Whereas in the mid-1990s Americans aged between 65 and 74 spent 10% more than their income, the same age group has been a net saver, in aggregate, since 2015. A similar picture is found across the rich world, from Canada to Japan. A generation sometimes associated with luxury cruises and Château Margaux is in fact unusually miserly.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “Parsimonious pensioners, profligate politicians”

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