Leaders | America v China

The battle for digital supremacy

America’s technological hegemony is under threat from China

“DESIGNED by Apple in California. Assembled in China”. For the past decade the words embossed on the back of iPhones have served as shorthand for the technological bargain between the world’s two biggest economies: America supplies the brains and China the brawn.

Not any more. China’s world-class tech giants, Alibaba and Tencent, have market values of around $500bn, rivalling Facebook’s. China has the largest online-payments market. Its equipment is being exported across the world. It has the fastest supercomputer. It is building the world’s most lavish quantum-computing research centre. Its forthcoming satellite-navigation system will compete with America’s GPS by 2020.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline “The battle for digital supremacy”

The battle for digital supremacy

From the March 17th 2018 edition

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