Europe | Charlemagne

Can António Costa make a success of the world’s hardest political gig?

He will preside over the European Council

António Costa riding a unicycle whilst juggling balls with the EU stars on them. He is dropping a couple of the balls.
Illustration: Peter Schrank

What is the world’s hardest political assignment? Being president of France these days is not much fun. Heading up the North Korean opposition is rarely a stepping stone to promotion. The role of “minister for Brexit opportunities” in London proved so hard it was scrapped in 2022 after just two years and few opportunities found. Of the jobs that endure, that of president of the European Council is perhaps the most confounding. As the chairman of the forum where the European Union’s 27 national leaders meet, the person in the role supposedly controls the room in which historic decisions are made (alongside many more humdrum ones). Yet finding common ground between the skinflint Dutch, hard-right Italians, sermonising Scandinavians and war-rattled Balts requires a deftness of touch few are blessed with. A competent power broker would go a long way to steering the EU through some choppy waters ahead.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “Costa cruising”

France’s centre cannot hold

From the June 29th 2024 edition

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