Europe | The spoils of war

Russia’s latest crime in Mariupol: stealing property

It is seizing homes in order to consolidate control 

A Russian soldier guards the site of a new apartment building in Mariupol, Ukraine
The new RussiaPhotograph: AP

OVER THE past few months, little white notices have appeared on doorways to residential blocks all over Mariupol, a city besieged, wrecked and then seized by Russia in May 2022. “An inventory of your block will be carried out to identify ownerless property; the owner of the apartment should be at home with documents and a Russian passport.” The print is small, the implications large. Unless the apartments are re-registered with the Russian occupying authorities and people are living in them, the properties will soon be declared ownerless and sold.

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This article appeared in the Europe section of the print edition under the headline “The spoils of war”

Dawn of the solar age

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