By Invitation | The American election

A big donor says Joe Biden’s team has gone all Trumpian

The president is deluding himself. Democrats are better than that, says Ari Emanuel

Illustration: Dan Williams

STOP ME IF this sounds familiar. A president warns of an existential threat and says he alone can fix it. His advisers blithely deny facts that everyone can see with their own eyes and cover up health scares. His supporters reject all criticism and instead demand his opponents be imprisoned.

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How to raise the world’s IQ

From the July 13th 2024 edition

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Neil Kinnock on the post-war-like challenges facing Keir Starmer

A lack of social cohesion compared with 1945 makes them even more daunting, says the former Labour leader and Starmer confidant

A prominent donor on why the Democrats shouldn’t anoint Kamala Harris

A competition to replace Joe Biden would better serve the party, and the country, argues Joe Ravitch

Halt the Olympics to save the planet, pleads a sports historian

David Goldblatt thinks pausing the spectacle might jolt the world into grasping the severity of the climate challenge

More from By Invitation

Neil Kinnock on the post-war-like challenges facing Keir Starmer

A lack of social cohesion compared with 1945 makes them even more daunting, says the former Labour leader and Starmer confidant

A prominent donor on why the Democrats shouldn’t anoint Kamala Harris

A competition to replace Joe Biden would better serve the party, and the country, argues Joe Ravitch

Halt the Olympics to save the planet, pleads a sports historian

David Goldblatt thinks pausing the spectacle might jolt the world into grasping the severity of the climate challenge

Rachael “Raygun” Gunn on the new sport that will invigorate the Olympics

The Australian breaker hopes we’ll all soon be talking about B-Girls, B-Boys and double airflares

A former adviser to Keir Starmer on what his victory can teach the global left

You don’t have to splurge to woo back working people, says Claire Ainsley

Justice Sotomayor was right for the wrong reasons

The Supreme Court’s ruling on prosecuting presidents is mistaken, says Eric Nelson, but not because the founding fathers were anti-monarchists