Britain | Bagehot

Sadiq Khan’s London offers a taste of Starmer’s Britain 

How not to run a city or a country

Illustration of Khan and Starmer under the steam roller with the word Maate printed on it.
Illustration: Nate Kitch

For a few hours on July 21st last year, Piccadilly Circus’s advertising hoarding provided the perfect symbol of Sadiq Khan’s eight years as mayor of London. The 5,500 individual led tiles arranged themselves into six five-metre-high letters to spell one giant word: “maaate”. It was the pinnacle of Mr Khan’s “Say ‘Maaate’ to a Mate” campaign, which encouraged young men to call out sexism by their peers. It even came with an interactive video, in which a young man’s behaviour degrades—at one point he dry-humps a sofa—until the viewer hits a button marked “maaate”, the man apologises and the group of jobbing actors return to their game of fifa.

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This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline “Mate, mate, maaate”

China’s risky reboot

From the April 6th 2024 edition

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