Karen Cheser
Position: From the Superintendent

What skills will Durango School District graduates need to succeed?

What should our students know, do and be like by the time they graduate? What skills and dispositions will they need for the future? These questions will be the focus of a communitywide cam...

We’re working to reach every student every day

“Every Student Every Day.” That’s the motto written above the entryway at Miller Middle School. And Durango School District 9-R exemplifies this mission. On my visit to every school on Tues...

Schools to institute new safety procedures for visitor entry

Given tragic occurrences across our country, school safety continues to be at the forefront of community concerns. While some incidents are committed by students, others have bee...

Durango School District committed to supporting students who face challenges

Last month, I shared information on our continued Personalized Competency Based Learning work, which is designed to ensure every student in the district gains the same benefit of being well-...

District aims to build students’ mastery of skills, concepts

Welcome back to another great school year in Durango! Whether your child is attending one of our 9-R schools, one of our charter schools or one of our private education institutio...

Public helps Durango School District improve safety measures

Sincere thanks to the parents and community members who responded to our recent safety survey and participated in our safety forums. This is an important topic, for which great c...

All of us must contribute to the safety of our students

We’ve all been shocked at the repeated occurrence of school violence across our nation and want to find solutions to protect our children while at school. Twenty years ago, no on...

Durango teachers, staff deserve respect for their dedication to students

Durango is so fortunate to have a highly dedicated team of teachers, support staff and administrators who work hard to provide our children a positive experience. Unfortunately, ...

Durango school board seeks conversation with community

By The Durango School District 9-R Board of Education The Durango School District 9-R Board of Education plays a key role in the education of our students. We recogni...

On social media, speculation can run wild; seek trusted sources of information

The digital age and the addition of so many social media channels has created a significant challenge in effectively communicating with our stakeholders. Our focus, historically...

This holiday season, reach out to families in need

As we come into the holiday season, it is important to reflect on all that we as a community have to be thankful for. I’ve never lived in a place that has so much to offer its res...

Perseverance is a crucial character trait for students

Over the last couple of months, I’ve addressed the issue of communication and our need to discuss issues that can help improve our schools and the experience for our children. Another critic...