Creative content for creative people, for over 20 years

Dreamstime is the world's largest community in stock photography and a reliable supplier of high quality digital images at affordable prices.

Explore our journey

Online since 2000 as a Royalty-Free stock photography website, Dreamstime has evolved into a powerful and active community-based site. The exquisite stock image gallery you can browse today has been uploaded by photographers from all over the world, shot on film or digital. To ensure you receive the best content, all images are reviewed and approved by experienced editors. The Dreamstime database is renewed with thousands of fresh images and titles on a daily basis.

Some of the unique, one-of-a-kind,
exclusive features include:

Referral Program
Promote the community and earn a significant percentage from the sales you bring.
Need help with keywording? Our keymasters will keyword your images.
Flexible and Secure
Payment Options:
Choose your plan: subscriptions or credit packages, we meet all budgets and cover all needs.

For almost 20 years, Dreamstime has been providing highest quality imagery to clients in the creative market from independent customers in the private sector to Fortune 500 companies (including the world`s largest advertising agencies, national and international magazines, film and television production companies). We have been covered on many reputable and influential business and design websites. Visit our Media Room to hear what they have to say about Dreamstime.

As of July 2024, Dreamstime numbers 53,000,000 registered members, more than 1,200,000 contributing photographers and over 249,000,000 photos, illustrations, cliparts and vectors. With unique visitors exceeding 20,000,000 monthly, the agency is now the largest stock photo community worldwide. (December 2007 historical data: 500,000 registered members, 26,000 contributors, 2,000,000 images online and 4,000,000 unique views).

Starting with September 2006 Dreamstime is a member of DMLA (Digital Media Licensing Association), formerly PACA (Picture Archive Council of America), the trade association for stock agencies in the United States and in October 2007 Dreamstime is the first community-based agency to be received as CEPIC (Coordination of European Picture Agencies Press Stock Heritage) member. In 2015, Dreamstime is one of the founding members of the European Tech Alliance.

Dreamstime Giving Fund
Since 2010 Dreamstime is making dreams come true for others.
More on the causes we support
Millions of premium stock images, free image database, friendliest stock photo community, unique features and dedicated team make Dreamstime photo shoppers` favorite choice worldwide.