Training and events



Course/ Event





The emergency management learning and development program (known as EMtrain) provides training and exercises for all NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) employees and partners.

Online modules

Emergency management training


Biosecurity Awareness for Abattoir, knackery and saleyard workers

DPIRD and partners have created resources to build the skills and knowledge of workers who may be amongst the first to detect emergency animal disease.

Online resources

Animal biosecurity training


Understanding the Biosecurity Act - Authorised Officer training

A comprehensive training program has been developed to provide authorised officers with the necessary skills and knowledge they need to perform their functions under the Biosecurity Act 2015. It is compulsory for all authorised officers under the Act to successfully complete the online course.

Online modules



VETLEARN Veterinarians, hobby farmers and backyard livestock

A two-hour online course that provides veterinarians with the confidence and resources to build their business and improve engagement with hobby farmers, smallholders and clients with backyard livestock.

Online course

Course for vets (CPD and VETED points apply)


Gateway E-Learning Modules

These e-learning modules feature known overseas and interstate pests that are recognised as having high damage potential to industries if they were to become established in NSW and Australia. The online modules have been designed to build capacity among people working in freight, logistics, ports and the agricultural sectors as well as community groups eg ports, community groups and local community gardening groups. By completing the e-learning modules you will be trained in the recognition, surveillance and reporting of cargo pests, priority exotic plant pests and new incursion species.

Online modulesE-learning course to manage high priority pests entering NSW.
Emergency animal disease training for Veterinary professionals

Online training is available for veterinarians and veterinary professionals that are interested in learning more about Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD), participating in an emergency animal disease response or general biosecurity information. Most training is free, available to complete at any time and is considered suitable as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for veterinarians

Online resourcesEmergency animal disease training