Remote & Virtual Instruction Resources

Special Education Remote & Virtual Instruction Practice Guide

These materials are being provided as a resource for teachers considering remote and/or virtual learning options. The resources contained in this site do not reflect an endorsement from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Please refer to local remote and virtual learning guidance, policies, and practices for further clarification. 

Purpose of this site:

The purpose of this site is to assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the delivery of special education and supplementary aids and services in remote and/or virtual settings. It is not the intent of this site to communicate a FAPE standard. IEP teams must continue to make individualized determinations. 

Accessibility Features Are Available on Most Common Devices

Chrome Books:

Additional: Online Learning & Accessibility Tools & Resources

Considerations for Remote/Virtual Instructional Supports for Students with Disabilities

Tab/Accordion Items

Collaborate with General Education

  • What is the district wide or school wide instructional plan for all students?
  • What are General Education learning targets (Standard Course of Study including the Extended Content Standards) that have been established for all students?
  • What materials are available for students in order to meet learning targets?
  • What are the academic performance expectations for students?
  • What accommodations listed on the students' IEP will be provided during instruction?
  • Are additional accommodations needed in order for the student to access and participate within instruction to fullest extent possible?
  • What criteria is being used to assess student master of learning targets presented?
  • How does the instructional plan for students with an IEP allow for growth and achievement toward grade level expectations?
  • What were the responses to the accessibility survey completed by the parents for students? 

Collaborate with Parent

In your ongoing collaboration with the parent, have you discussed the following:

  • Any updated information from the school district?
  • The plan for and intended outcomes for virtual learning sessions?
  • Potential barriers the parent foresees with helping their child with the virtual learning?

Building the Instructional Plan

  • Based on guidance from your LEA, how will you document instruction being provided during this time?
    • What tool?
    • When?
    • How & with whom the documentation will be shared?
  • What are the unique needs of the student?
    • Nature of the disability
    • Review IEP information/data
  • What skills are priority for the student during this time?
  • What support does the student need in order to access instruction?
  • How does the unique learning plan support academic/functional/behavioral performance for the student?

Delivery & Documentation of Instruction

  • What has your LEA provided to document instruction during this time?
  • Have you documented all instructional supports (accommodations, supplemental aids, materials & instruction) provided during this time?
  • How does the student know whether they are meeting their learning targets?
  • In what ways does the student demonstrate engagement?
  • Is the student accessing instruction provided? If so, continue as is. If not, what else is needed?

Progress Monitoring During Distance Learning - this link provides a brief decision/response tree and guiding questions to help determine the appropriate options for progress monitoring during distance learning.

National Center on Intensive Intervention - "The National Center on Intensive Intervention publishes this chart to assist educators and families in becoming informed consumers who can select progress monitoring tools that best meet their individual needs." Click on the link to access a plethora of tools.

NCC Advanced Filters Video & Transcript

Online Learning Methodology Resources

Helping Students with Disabilities Comprehend Text in Online Coursework

Supporting Students with Disabilities in K-12 Online and Blended Learning

Real Connections: Making Distance Learning Accessible for Everyone

Accessibility & Math Instruction
Scenario If... Then...

 Students have access to a computer and have reliable home WiFi/internet access and have previously used an online classroom

 For Concrete-Representational-Abstract Models, include or provide instructional how to videos using virtual manipulatives to accompany assignments to model the mathematical concepts within assignments; For concrete models, provide printable manipulatives of the same visual models demonstrated.

 For building fact fluency, provide supplemental Instructional videos/online lessons on missing skill deficits embedded into standards covered by General Education assignments (Ex. Student lacks proficiency with multiplication facts, provide lesson in building fact fluency with multiplication but use multi-step equations as the problems during modeling, guided practice, & independent practice.)

 Increase opportunities for math talk and feedback by having student share (live) or record their explanation of math problems and how they visually modelled the solution to the problem. Then teacher can provide more immediate auditory feedback (affirmative & corrective).

 Individualize online learning-based platform or computerized adaptive program that are already available in your district by creating or choosing assignments/tasks/activities/games that specifically target skill deficits. Prioritize the activities by starting with tasks that will yield increased access to grade level content.


 Students have access to a computer, but don't have reliable WiFi/internet access

 For Concrete-Representational-Abstract Models, include or provide visual representations in print accompanied with printable manipulatives to support the mathematical concepts within the assignment. Math board games can include manipulatives that support the mathematical concept. Household items can be used for concrete modeling with mathematics (counting items in the kitchen, etc.)

 For building fact fluency, provide activities that focus on modeling a fluency strategy not just solving facts that include pictorial support of what the quantity looks like and limit the numbers included in practice (fact families).

 Increase opportunities for math talk through specific math games, craft activities, cooking activities. Provide script of specific math language or concept to focus on.

 Individualize by choosing assignments/tasks/activities/games that specifically target skill deficits on downloadable computer games that do not require internet. Send home a list that prioritizes the activities by starting with tasks that student should improve first. Connect mathematics activities to stories and/or books that parents can read to their child.


 Students have access to a different type of technology (cell phone, iPad, tablet) to leverage, but don't have a computer

 For Concrete-Representational-Abstract Models, a variety of downloadable apps include virtual manipulatives within them to support the mathematical concept. Providing printable manipulatives of what the students have been using previously in the classroom can be helpful.

 For building fact fluency, provide supplemental Instructional videos/online lessons through an app like SeeSaw, Class DoJo, Remind 101, etc on missing skill deficits embedded into standards covered by General Education assignments (Ex. Student lacks proficiency with multiplication facts, provide lesson in building fact fluency with multiplication but use multi-step equations as the problems during modeling, guided practice, & independent practice.)

 Increase opportunities for math talk and feedback by having student share (live) or record their explanation of math problems and how they visually modelled the solution to the problem using SeeSaw, Class DoJo, Remind 101, etc. Then teacher can provide more immediate auditory feedback (affirmative & corrective).

 Individualize online learning-based platform or computerized adaptive program that are accessible as a downloadable app by creating or choosing assignments/tasks/activities/games that specifically target skill deficits. Prioritize the activities by starting with tasks that will yield increased access to grade level content.


 Students present with cognitive/physical/sensory delays inhibiting their access to online learning modalities

 For Concrete-Representational-Abstract Models, choose activities that student can do at home that aligns with mathematical concepts. (i.e. One-to-one correspondence & counting: fill up an egg carton with items with only one item per spot)

 For building fact fluency, do activities that focus on a specific number and it's quantity visually or physically represented. Do activities such as plus 1 or minus 1 with visual support of number line.

 Increase opportunities for mathematical conversations by sending home a list of questions that support mathematical concepts in everyday tasks, games, and activities. Utilize stories and/or books related to mathematics concepts.

SPED Math Resources:
Mathematics Resource Description Gradespan
    K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12

 Using the search site feature at top right of the page, look for interactives or lessons that can supplement the lesson that teacher modeled from Number Worlds.


 “model your word problems” and has a tab for Jr (K-2), addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (3-5 and even middle school), and ratios for middle school.


 This site is good for some basic items such as colored chips, Base 10 blocks, fraction bars, etc.


 Bring math concepts to life through interactive games, animations and engaging media resources.


 Interactive Math Games


 Figure This! Mathematical challenges for families provide interesting math challenges that middle-school students can do at home with their families.


 On this site, you can create a free account in which you will have access to a description of all learning trajectories including specific goals, and learning activities (tasks, lessons, & games) for instruction.


 On this site, it has printable PDFs of manipulatives(numberlines, base ten blocks, algebra tiles, integer counters, etc), math graphic organizers (place value charts, venn diagrams, concept circles, etc), and various graph paper.


 Online simulations with lesson materials, supporting research-based strategies to build deep conceptual understanding of math and science based on Core Standards.

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 Activities with Rigor and Coherence(ARC)- under classroom resources


 Walkabouts are on-demand adventures that transform math and language content into short, movement-rich activities for Pre-K through Second Grade students. This research-based online tool makes it easy for teachers and parents to create lessons that bring key concepts to life through physical activity. It even correlates to the state standards teachers already use to develop and manage their lesson planning.


 FREE- challenge yourself or others

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 Core Math Tools- downloadable suite


 Grades 2-5 evidence-based activities


 Includes activities for Pre-K, Activities for Families that are project based mathematics activities.


 Interactive Math Games/Activities


 Standards Based Packets Provided by Grade Level. Does not require interactive access. Go to "Subscribers Freebies Page" to access.


 The Number Catcher is a computer game that doesn't require internet once it is downloaded. It is a fun, fast-paced computer game that lets students play with numbers, while training basic concepts of number and arithmetic such as basic calculation skills (addition & subtraction), number formats (concrete sets, digits, and number words) and the base 10 principle and the logic of multi-digit numbers.


 Pre-K to Calculus activities. Graphing Tools Provided


 Provides list of Pre-K to 12 literature related to mathematics concepts.


 25 fun math activities, indoor and outdoor, that can be done at home for free

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Adapted Physical Education

Please review NC DPI's Remote Learning Resources for Physical Education as the remote general education framework to specially design remote/virtual physical education.

Resources for Remote/Virtual Physical Education - Physical Education (and if required Adapted Physical Education) are key features of a virtual/remote instructional schedule that promotes engagement, learning, coping and wellness for all students. The NC Adapted Physical Education Advisory Council (a volunteer organizations of APE experts) has collected a variety of resources (e.g., efficient adaptations, teaching strategies, lesson plans) to assist LEAs and Physical Educators in providing this critical curriculum remotely. 

Remote APE Resources
Site Name/Link Description
NC Adapted PE Advisory Council - Home ( Website dedicated to providing resources and promoting quality APE services and equal access across the continuum of services for students with disabilities in North Carolina
Disabled Sports USA This site has an Adapt at Home page which features free live on demand resources that are updated weekly. Scroll down to "stay active on demand".
Special Olympics Fit 5 Fitness cards and videos offering varied levels of flexibility, endurance, and strength
Special Olympics School of Strength WWE and Special Olympics team up to provide workout videos and a workout tracker sheet
GoNoodle Movement and mindfulness videos created by child development experts
Cosmic Kids Yoga Yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation for kids ages 3+
SPARK PE Free home and inclusive PE resources for families and teachers (including professional development); both free and resources for pay
Teaching Gross Motor Development to Children Who are Visually Impaired 30 minute video of instructional strategies based on the research of Dr. Lauren Lieberman and Dr Pamela Haibach [Youtube]
Exercise Buddy Offering a 14 day free trial on their visual Autism-friendly exercise system
PE Activity Slides Variety of activities (walking, cardio drumming, and dance) for an individual who uses a wheelchair/walker and may have CVI/visual impairments
CATCH Inclusive Health Video series on Best Practices for Inclusion of Kids with Intellectual Disabilities in Physical Activity Sessions
Little Sports Exercise Videos Kid friendly exercise videos with demonstration, rep count, and rest countdown [Youtube]
NCHPAD and Exercise Connection The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) and the Exercise Connection launch new video series, Improving the Lives of Individuals with Autism through Exercise. [Youtube]
Neighborhood Scavenger Hunt Fun scavenger hunt when going on a walk with your family through the neighborhood
OPEN - Online Physical Education Network Free home activities, easily adaptable, by grade level, standards based
Is There Really A Human Race? Vicki Simmons, APE Specialist at Haynes-Inman presents an active story telling of the book Is There Really a Human Race [Youtube]
Mr. Doug's Exercises Short videos of easy to do exercises, including seated, at home with no/limited equipment [Youtube]
Home Equipment Modifications Inexpensive and creative alternatives to PE equipment
PE Homework Sheets  Variety of paper-pencil activities for grades 3-6
PALA log  Presidential Active Lifestyle Award information and log to track daily activity time and/or nutrition
HASfit 20 minute seated workout with adaptations modeled [Youtube]
DIY Cornhole Easy ways to create a tossing game such as cornhole at home
Teaching Object Control Skills to Young Children with Down Syndrome The video includes teaching strategies as well as behavior management strategies for effective teaching young children with Down Syndrome. [Youtube]
Free Adaptability E-Learning Activities 8-10 different lessons that begin with exercise choices then proceeds to a specific skill (underhand throw, overhand throw, cup stacking etc). Can edit slides by making COPY first then insert your own videos, lesson activities.
E-Learning Yoga and Underhand Rolling Example of Free Adaptability E-Learning Activity modified by Ann Hughes, NC-APE Council Member
Physical Activity Choice Board Created by Jennifer Huff and modified (with permission) for students with disabilities by Ann Hughes. This can be copied and edited to meet the unique needs of your students.
"Let's Go Play" Reading Jayne Emma of New Hanover County Schools reads an inclusive book by Shelby McCarthy and illustrated by Rachel Batislaong. This book helps children understand disabilities and adaptive equipment. [Youtube]
NC APE AC Resources for Teachers  Resources for teachers about modifications, adaptations, and health considerations


Considerations when planning instruction for Social/Emotional Goals or learning opportunities:

  • Please make sure that your SEL services address the unique needs of the child. We included resources that are helpful in general. However, individual children may respond differently to different approaches. No single resource is likely to address the needs of all children. Make sure your approach is appropriate for the child's individual needs.
  • Please try to identify the root cause of the child's SEL issues. Utilize assessment data and student-centered problem-solving to help individualize your SEL approach.
  • Consider the child's specific strengths and weaknesses. For example, the level of the child's cognitive functioning (high or low); symptoms of autism that need to be addressed; behaviors are externalizing/internalizing.

Resources for Educators:

BrainPOP - BrainPOP is committed to developing SEL content that supports the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework.

PBS LearningMedia - The Healthy Kids Project encourages a younger audience to make positive choices for their mental and physical health with videos and support materials for teachers and students.

Zones of Regulation - Zones is a systematic, cognitive-behavioral approach used to teach us how to regulate our feelings, energy and sensory needs in order to meet the demands of the situation around us and be successful socially.

Performance Descriptors Social Emotional Learning - Grades 1-5

Performance Descriptors Social Emotional Learning - Grades 6-12

Social Emotional Learning Standards - Goal 2

Social Emotional Learning Standards - Goal 3

Resources to Support Parents and Caregivers:

do2Learn - Social Skills Overview

TEACCH Tips to Support Families

Trauma-Informed Parenting

Professional Learning for Educators:

Panorama Education: Virtual Learning for Educators

Autism Focused Intervention Resources & Modules: Visual Supports

NCAPH Federal Quota Fund Order Flyer

Links for screen reader options

EC Directors and/or TVIs please contact Crystal Patrick if you need embossed braille materials or textbook resources.

For more information on Remote Learning Resources for students:

Hearing Impairment Including Deafness - Nancy Woyotowich

Visual Impairment Including Blindness & Orientation and Mobility - Crystal Patrick

DeafBlindness - Dr. Alan Chase

Early Learning Sensory Support - Bethany Mayo

High Leverage Practices in Special Education: Considerations for Remote Learning

In partnership with the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability and Reform (CEEDAR), the Council for Exceptional Children has developed and published a set of high-leverage practices (HLPs) for special educators and teacher candidates. A complete PDF of the document.

Assessment High Leverage Practices

HLP4: Conduct Assessment

HLP5: Interpret Assessment

HLP6: Use Assessment Information

Social/Emotional/Behavioral High Leverage Practices

HLP7: Establish a consistent, organized, and respectful learning environment

HLP8: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students' learning and behavior

HLP9: Teach social behaviors

HLP10: Conduct functional behavioral assessments to develop individual student behavior plans

Instruction High Level Practices

HLP11: Identify and prioritize long-and-short-term learning goals

HLP12: Systematically design instruction toward specific learning goals

HLP13: Adapt curriculum tasks and materials for specific learning goals

HLP14: Teach cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support learning and Independence

HLP15: Provide scaffolded supports

HLP16: Use explicit language

HLP17: Use flexible grouping

HLP18: Use strategies to promote active student engagement

HLP19: Use assistive and instructional technologies

HLP20: Provide intensive instruction

HLP21: Teach students to maintain and generalize new learning across time and settings

HLP22: Provide positive and constructive feedback to guide students' learning and behavior

CEC Quick-Take Video: Leadership Support with Co-Teaching in a Remote Environment - Dr. Marilyn Friend talks about administrative support for virtual co-teaching. What can school leaders do for their co-teachers during online learning? How does the support they need differ? How can you ensure your co-teachers really are "co"?

CEC Quick-Take Video: Co-Teaching with Remote Learning - Dr. Marilyn Friend talks about where we're at in co-teaching. How is it changing in virtual environments? What different decisions do co-teachers need to make? And, how are other co-teachers making it work?

Co-Teaching in Remote and Hybrid Learning Environments - Dr. Marilyn Friend & Dr. Tammy Barron

Co-Teaching in the Age of Remote Learning: Think Inclusive - Provides tips for co-planning, co-instruction, providing SDI, supporting parents, etc.

Co-Teaching During Distance Learning: Tips for Partnering Virtually

National Center on Accessible Educational Materials (AEM)

Teacher Collaboration During a Global Pandemic - ASCD - Some practical tips for collaboration during these challenging times.

What Can Co-Teachers Do as a Virtual Team? - Four principles to anchor our instructional decisions.

10 Best Practices for Virtual Co-Teaching - Suggestions for the co-teaching relationship, collaboration, synchronous/asynchronous teaching, utilizing break out rooms for alternative, parallel & station teaching (including tutorials for setting them up), student engagement and feedback tips, etc.

Personalized Learning Effective Practices and Indicators - Center on Innovations in Learning - Co-Teaching teams are supported in planning for all students in a co-taught classroom around 6 competencies.

Instructional Design with Personalized/Virtual Learning

Collaborative Teaching Virtual Instruction Tips from the Florida Inclusion Network - Tips to reinforce existing collaborative practices in a virtual environment. Describes the 6 approaches to co-teaching and gives examples for distance learning.

TIES Center: Effective Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Within the Distance Learning Environment: What in the World Does That Look Like? - TIES stands for Increasing (T)ime, (I)nstructional Effectiveness, (E)ngagement, and State and District (S)upport for Inclusive Practices. More has been added to this site that is really helpful tools. 

Provision of Related Services within a Remote Learning Context

Visit the following sites for information and resources to support the following related services areas:

Audiology Services:

Counseling Services:

Occupational Therapy:

Orientation and Mobility Services:

Physical Therapy:

Psychological Services:

School Health/School Nurse Services:

Social Work Services:

Speech/Language Pathology:

The purpose of this page is to provide resources to support educators with instructional planning and is not intended to supplant or replace any LEA's remote learning plan.

Additional considerations when planning transition instruction and activities:

Please make sure that your transition supports address the unique needs of the student. We included resources that are helpful in general. However, individual students may respond differently to different approaches. No single transition resources is likely to address the needs of all students. Make sure your approach is appropriate for the student's individual needs.

Transition between settings: Early Learning & Early Childhood

NC FPG Early Learning Network Supporting Remote Learning for Early Childhood

NC Guiding Practices in Early Childhood Transition

Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (ECTA) Resources:

ECTA Preschool During the Pandemic: Early Childhood Education in Extraordinary Times

Emergencies and National Disasters: Helping Children and Families Cope - this resource is intended to support families in helping young children cope with the challenges that might occur during stressful emergency or disaster situations.

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Toolkit

Tech and No-Tech Resources for Transition/Pre-ETS

Post-Secondary Transition Resources for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: A compilation of available resources related to Post-Secondary Transition in both North Carolina and nationally. Materials contained within this site are being provided as a resource and do not reflect an endorsement by the NC Dept. or Public Instruction. They are shared as potential tools for professionals working in the field of deaf education and hearing loss.

WestEd NCSI - Transforming State Systems to Improve Outcomes for Children with Disabilities

Continuous Learning Project: Supporting Life Skills, Job Readiness, and Community Participation in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond