Mandatory/necessary cookies

Cookies in this category are necessary for the proper and effective functioning of the Portal. They store information to maintain the user session after connecting to the Authority’s online services through the Portal as well as the visitor/user’s preferences regarding the use of optional cookies. The use of mandatory cookies does not require the consent of the visitor/user.

session_cookieIt is used to maintain the session of registered users only on the Authority’s electronic services.The AuthorityFor as long as the user is connected to the online services of the Authority. It is saved after the connection is made and deleted when the browser is closed.
cookies-bannerIt is used to maintain the user’s overall preference for accepting or rejecting cookies as well as for displaying the banner cookie.The AuthorityFor six months. After this time the cookie banner reappears to the user. If the user has disabled all cookies then the banner cookie appears on each visit to the BP.
matomo-consentIt is used to maintain the user’s preference for using cookies for audience measurement and analysis (matomo analytics).The Authority6 months
twitter-consentUsed to maintain the user’s preference for cookies for sharing content in Twitter.The Authority6 months
linkedIn-consentUsed to maintain the user’s preference for cookies for sharing content on LinkedIn.The Authority6 months