Denver7 has created an easy way for people to help others in our community through Denver7 Gives, an initiative of the Scripps Howard Fund.

Here you will find the stories of people in Colorado who need help and it's easier than ever to help with a cash donation through Denver7 Gives. One hundred percent of contributions will be used to help people in our local community. And if you'd like to read more good news and positive stories each week we'll deliver hope in your email inbox, you can sign up for the weekly Denver7 Gives Email Newsletter. 💌

Looking to give? Check out latest Denver7 Gives stories & Coloradans to help

About Denver7 Gives

Denver7 Gives is an initiative of the Scripps Howard Foundation.  One hundred percent of contributions to Denver7 Gives are used to help the local Denver area community.  If Denver7 Gives receives more donations than reasonably may be used for a designated project, the additional funds will be retained in the Denver7 Gives fund for use in other charitable projects exclusively to benefit the local community.

Watch Denver7 Gives viewers help their neighbors

Watch the video to see the hope and inspiration shared by people from all over the state through Denver7 Gives.

Denver7 Gives: How your generosity helps Coloradans