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Conference Proceedings

Forging a New Path in North American Trade and Immigration

Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement
This conference, held Sept. 26–27, 2019, at the Dallas Fed, explored what the future would bring to this deep economic relationship and the challenges and opportunities presented by the proposed United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). The gathering was presented by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and Mission Foods Texas–Mexico Center at SMU.
Updated Compilation and Editing, June 2021
  • Introduction
    Pia M. Orrenius and Jesus Cañas, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Opening Session

Plenary Session

Panel 1: Rules of Origin: U.S. Content of Imports, Supply Chains and Trade Diversion

Keynote Speech

Panel 2: Services and Digital Trade

Panel 3: Energy Sector: Investment, Regulation and Binational Strategy

Panel 4: Economic Implications for the U.S. of a North America Without NAFTA or USMCA


Plenary Session

Panel 5: Migration, Workforce and the Integration of Labor Markets