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3rd CEMLA/Dallas Fed/IBEFA Financial Stability Workshop

Mexico City


  • Nov. 25–26, 2024


    Durango 54, Col. Roma Cuauhtémoc, C.P. 06700
    Mexico City, Mexico
For more information visit the CEMLA website.

Call for papers

The Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and the International Banking, Economics and Finance Association (IBEFA) invite submissions to their 3rd Financial Stability Workshop, to be held on November 25 and 26 at CEMLA’s offices in Mexico City. We invite theoretical and empirical submissions focusing on the interplay between financial intermediation, banking and financial stability, on topics including:

  • Interactions between monetary policy, inflation dynamics and financial stability.
  • Lending technologies and FinTech.
  • Financial fragility through cross-border spillovers.
  • Liquidity risks and wholesale funding markets.
  • Climate finance.
  • Risks in housing and real estate markets.
  • Latest developments in prudential policies and regulation.

CEMLA invites submissions for a special sponsored session dedicated to discussing outstanding research relevant for Latin America and the Caribbean. Authors indicating in their submission a preference for a dual-track submission will have publication opportunities in the Latin American Journal of Central Banking. Participants are expected to cover their travel expenses; sponsors will offer to cover accommodation for invited participants.


Papers should be submitted to with subject line “Submission – FSW,” by May 27, 2024. Authors of accepted papers will be notified in early July. If you have questions, please email Enrique Martínez García.

Keynote speaker
Scientific committee
  • Christoph Bertsch, Sveriges Riksbank
  • Mauricio Calani, Banco Central de Chile
  • Ricardo Correa, Federal Reserve Board
  • Matteo Crosignani, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • Mariela dal Borgo, Banco de México
  • Scott Davis, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Filippo De Marco, Bocconi University
  • Ralph de Haas, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  • John Duca, Oberlin College
  • Paul Fontanier, Yale School of Management
  • Emilia Garcia-Appendini, Norges Bank
  • Gabriel Jiménez, Banco de España
  • Peter Karlström, CEMLA
  • Thomas Lambert, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University
  • Elena Loutskina, Darden School of Business Administration
  • David Martinez-Miera, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Natalya Martynova, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Sergio Mayordomo, Banco de España
  • Karsten Müller, NUS Singapore
  • Carola Müller, Bank for International Settlements
  • William Mullins, University of California, San Diego
  • Pascal Paul, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
  • Andrea Presbitero, International Monetary Fund
  • Claudio Raddatz, Universidad de Chile
  • Raluca Roman, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
  • Kasper Roszbach, Norges Bank
  • Farzad Saidi, University of Bonn
  • Alessio Saretto, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Larissa Schäfer, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • Glenn Schepens, European Central Bank
  • Jason Sturgess, Queen Mary University
  • Rimmy E. Tommy, University of Chicago
  • Lena Tonzer, OvGU University Magdeburg and Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)
  • Nitzan Tzur-Ilan, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Alexander Ufier, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • Bernardus van Doornik, Banco Central do Brasil
Organizing committee
  • Björn Imbierowicz, Deutsche Bundesbank, IBEFA
  • Enrique Martínez García, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • Lars Norden, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration (EBAPE), Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), IBEFA
  • Matias Ossandon Busch, CEMLA

For more information

Contact Enrique Martínez García at