Here's your sneak peek at EVERYTHING that will happen in the soaps next week - 28 spoilers including 'murdered' Lauren's shock return to Coronation Street and Anna's spiking nightmare in EastEnders

If you love the soaps this ultimate guide to next week’s episodes – along with pictures of the action – is simply unmissable.

In Corrie, Lauren’s back from the dead, but still causing trouble, in Emmerdale Rose tries to kiss Will, but first up Ian’s under suspicion in EastEnders...


1. Is Ian cheating?

Cindy and Ian Beale kiss in the cafe as she demands to know if he's having an affair

Cindy and Ian Beale kiss in the cafe as she demands to know if he's having an affair 

Ian prepares to leave, still claiming he is going on a leadership course, but disapproving Peter knows that he is up to something. Cindy’s suspicions are also piqued when she looks at the contents of his suitcase. She later quizzes Kathy and becomes convinced Ian’s mum is lying to cover for him. Cindy heads to Beale’s Eels to ask Ian and demands to know if he’s having an affair but he reassures her he isn’t.

2. Lauren loses it

Louie plays football with Tommy, Junior and Alfie, which surprises Lauren

Louie plays football with Tommy, Junior and Alfie, which surprises Lauren

Lauren is surprised to see Louie playing football in the Square with Junior, Alfie and Tommy. When Junior questions Louie’s progress at school, Lauren loses her rag and things get heated. Penny then echoes Junior’s worries about Louie’s schoolwork and Lauren is again defensive, but a chat with Kathy makes her realise they may have a point.

3. Bobby the stowaway!

Bobby slips in the back of Peter's van after becoming suspicious

Bobby slips in the back of Peter's van after becoming suspicious 

Suspicious Peter learns that Cindy has disappeared in search of Ian, so asks to borrow Martin’s van so he can pursue her. When Bobby realises Peter is heading off, he quizzes him over where he’s going, but Peter keeps schtum. Fired up after a pep talk from Anna and Freddie about being more assertive, Bobby slips in the back of the van before Peter drives off.

4. Anna is spiked

Anna gets spiked while on a night out with Freddie and Gina

Anna gets spiked while on a night out with Freddie and Gina 

Gina quizzes Anna on whether Bobby is right for her, but she insists their love is strong. Later, the sisters go for a night out with Felix and Freddie, but the group become worried when Anna disappears. When they find her, they discover she has been spiked.

5. Cindy confronts Ian!

Cindy confronts Ian as she finds him at a mysterious address

Cindy confronts Ian as she finds him at a mysterious address 

After Cindy ropes in George to drive her, the pair arrive at a mysterious address. Spotting Ian inside, Cindy is soon on the doorstep demanding to know what’s going on. As she confronts him, Peter and Bobby arrive and drama soon ensues. Just what is sneaky Mr Beale up to?

6. Anna keeps quiet

Anna is seen in hospital with her sister Gina after being spiked

Anna is seen in hospital with her sister Gina after being spiked 

Anna wakes up in hospital and is shocked to discover that she has been spiked. Once home, Gina encourages her sister to talk to the police, but Anna insists that she doesn’t want to. With Gina feeling overwhelmed by the situation, it’s Freddie who steps in to support Anna.

7. Junior and Lauren bond

Junior and Lauren have a discussion in the car park whether she apologises for having a go at him

Junior and Lauren have a discussion in the car park whether she apologises for having a go at him

Lauren apologises to Junior for having a go and him and the pair share a drink. After talking to the school, Lauren discovers the reason Louie is struggling. Junior suggests someone he can put her in contact with about Louie, and Lauren is grateful for his support.

8. Freddie steps up

Anna turns to Freddie to speak about her spiking

Anna turns to Freddie to speak about her spiking 

With Bobby having gone AWOL due to the Beale drama, he’s shocked to return to the Square and learn about Anna’s spiking. He tries to be supportive but ends up putting his foot in it. Once again, it’s Freddie that Anna turns to as he persuades her to tell her dad about what happened.

9. Peter’s big proposal

Lauren gets upset by Peter right before starting her shift, before he later apologises to her

Lauren gets upset by Peter right before starting her shift, before he later apologises to her 

With her money troubles catching up with her, Lauren seizes an opportunity and asks Jay for a trial at the Car Lot. However, she doesn’t have a great start when Peter upsets her just before her shift. Later in the café, Peter apologises to Lauren and suggests that they move in together. Lauren asks him for time to think. Is this really what she wants?



1. Rowan blackmails Nick

Amy is approached by Leanne as she tries to convince her to join The Institute

Amy is approached by Leanne as she tries to convince her to join The Institute 

Leanne continues to try and convince Amy to join The Institute, but will she succeed in signing up youngster? Later, Rowan suggests that Leanne might like to invest in the business as he suggests that she put in £40k towards their new resource centre. With Leanne keen, Rowan puts pressure on Nick to agree, threatening to blow the secret of his affair with Toyah if he doesn’t.

2. Roy’s struggles continue

Nina fusses over Roy as she's glad to have him home from the hospital

Nina fusses over Roy as she's glad to have him home from the hospital 

Roy is delighted to think that Lauren is alive, after insisting that she was at his bedside, but Nina is furious that Lauren let Roy go through his prison ordeal, never spoke up and has now disappeared again. Nina calls to collect Roy from the hospital and he tries to cover his nervousness at the thought of leaving. Later, Nina fusses over Roy, but realising he’s struggling, she suggests that Roy spend a few days at Cathy’s in Scarborough.

3. Danger for Joel

Dee Dee and Bethany are determined to track down Lauren, which panics Joel

Dee Dee and Bethany are determined to track down Lauren, which panics Joel

With Lauren missing again, Joel panics when he realises that Dee Dee and Bethany are determined to track her down. As they piece the evidence together, the pair head off to Warrington after discovering Lauren bought a train ticket to there. Meanwhile, the pressure increases on Joel when he receives a text from Betsy demanding more money.

4. Carla causes chaos

Carla accidentally knocks one of a group of yobs hassling Roy off of his bike

Carla accidentally knocks one of a group of yobs hassling Roy off of his bike 

Carla spots the group of yobs who were hassling Roy and is soon tearing a strip off them. As she gets into her car, one of the lads cycles toward her. Carla throws the door open, sending the lad sprawling onto the road. Will Carla regret her impulsive actions? Carla’s troubles continue back at the factory when Betsy takes advantage, so Carla decides to head to the police station to have a word with Lisa.

5. The race to find Lauren

Dee Dee and Bethany are told by a homeless woman at a soup kitchen that Lauren is squatting

Dee Dee and Bethany are told by a homeless woman at a soup kitchen that Lauren is squatting

In Warrington, Dee Dee and Bethany decide to check soup kitchens where a homeless woman confirms that Lauren is squatting in a local pub. Dee-Dee calls Joel to let him know the news. Soon, the race is on as a desperate Joel tries to get to Lauren first. What might Lauren reveal if Dee Dee and Bethany beat Joel to her?

6. Mason’s free

Dylan starts a trial shift at Speed Daal with Stu after he kindly gives him a second chance

Dylan starts a trial shift at Speed Daal with Stu after he kindly gives him a second chance 

Keen to give Dylan a second chance, kindly Stu agrees to him working a trial shift at Speed Daal. Feeling he is finally moving on from the bullying drama, Dylan is grateful. However, his good mood doesn’t last long when Maria reveals that bad lad Mason has been released. Sean and Dylan are left horrified by the news.

7. Partners in crime

Betsy is intrigued to spy Beth letting herself into the factory and follows her

Betsy is intrigued to spy Beth letting herself into the factory and follows her

Betsy strikes a deal after she learns just what Beth is doing on the sly at the factory. Betsy tells Beth she wants in on her scam or she’ll reveal to Carla what she is up to. Alone in the factory, Beth reluctantly shows her unexpected new partner in crime how to sew the counterfeit labels onto the knock-off T-shirts.

8. Toyah turns detective

After rifling through Rowan's] jacket pockets, Toyah finds his driving licence and reverse images the picture of him

After rifling through Rowan's] jacket pockets, Toyah finds his driving licence and reverse images the picture of him

Toyah is grateful when Nick takes her to her hospital appointment. Later, Toyah is more determined than ever to dig up dirt on Rowan. After drawing a blank on the internet, she decides to play dirty and secretly rifles through his pockets and swipes his driving licence. Using his picture, she does a reverse image search online – but what will she uncover?

9. Lauren says sorry

Lauren goes to the cafe to apologise to Roy

Lauren goes to the cafe to apologise to Roy

Lauren finally arrives back on the Street to a mixed reception. She heads to the cafe and apologises to Roy for the trouble she has caused him. Later, she goes to the Rovers where her pal Bobby offers her his bed for the night. However, Carla is furious when she finds out what he’s done after everything that happened with Roy.



1. Sam whacks Cain

The rift between Sam and Cain becomes cataclysmic resulting in Sam punching his brother Cain to the floor

The rift between Sam and Cain becomes cataclysmic resulting in Sam punching his brother Cain to the floor

Discovering that Samson is planning on fleeing the village, Lydia intercepts him and persuades her stepson to go to the police and tell the truth about the stabbing. However, her actions only widen the gap between Sam and Cain, and Sam ends up punching his brother. Meanwhile, Sam and Lydia also end up at loggerheads.

2. Kiss me Will

When Will almost catches Rose updating Ruby she covers and Will is stunned when Rose moves in for a kiss

When Will almost catches Rose updating Ruby she covers and Will is stunned when Rose moves in for a kiss

Ruby ups the pressure on Rose to push ahead with her plan. Will almost catches the pair in cahoots, but Rose manages to cover. Will is stunned when Rose moves in to try and kiss him. He quickly pulls away, and Rose is left worried that he will tell Kim. Later, Rose panics as she watches Will tell Kim it’s time for Rose to leave Home Farm. To derail their conversation from going any further, Rose causes a distraction by letting a horse loose.

3. Laurel’s divorce dilemma

Jai and Archie prepare to move out

Jai and Archie prepare to move out

Jai is still hopeful that he can mend things with Laurel and is shocked when she suggests that it’s time that they tell the children that they are divorcing. After they break the news to the kids, Laurel tells Jai that he needs to move out, but she’s left heartbroken when he insists he takes Archie with him. Will Laurel have second thoughts about breaking up her family?

4. Who’s watching Liam

Manpreet Sharma encourages Liam to rekindle things with Chas when he resigns himself to remaining single

Manpreet Sharma encourages Liam to rekindle things with Chas when he resigns himself to remaining single

Manpreet encourages Liam to rekindle things with Chas, but still stinging from his relationship with Ella, he isn’t keen on romance and it seems that he’s resigned himself to remaining single. Later, a mysterious figure watches on…

5. Tom twists the knife

Tom continues to make Belle feel guilty about the termination and secretly makes plans to put distance between them and her family.

Tom continues to make Belle feel guilty about the termination and secretly makes plans to put distance between them and her family.

Tom continues to play on Belle’s jealousy over the termination, taking every opportunity to twist the knife. Meanwhile, he pushes forward with his plan to put as much distance as possible between Belle and her family as possible. Blinded by her conflicted emotions, will Belle wake up to what Tom's doing?

6. Ella’s back in town

Mandy realises there's an intruder - it's Ella. Fragile Ella admits she is back to collect the rest of her things

Mandy realises there's an intruder - it's Ella. Fragile Ella admits she is back to collect the rest of her things

Mandy is shocked to realise that there’s an intruder in the house and is surprised to see Ella. She explains that she is back to collect the rest of her things. Spotting how fragile she is, Mandy is left conflicted as Ella leaves. Later, we see Sam call an ambulance to alert them to a crash on a country road involving Ella’s car…

7. Rose scores an own goal?

Rose receives a mysterious message and heads to the outskirts of the village where she meets a dealer who gives Rose a vial of tranquilliser telling her to await further instruction

Rose receives a mysterious message and heads to the outskirts of the village where she meets a dealer who gives Rose a vial of tranquilliser telling her to await further instruction

Rose receives a message and heads to the outskirts of the village for a secret meeting. There, a dealer gives Rose a vial of tranquilliser and tells her to await further instructions. Later, after Evan is discharged from hospital, Rose is overcome with emotion as Dawn refers to her as ‘mum’ for the first time, leaving Rose more conflicted about her plan than ever.

8. Ness gets jealous

Vanessa becomes increasingly jealous of Rhona and Mandy's blossoming friendship

Vanessa becomes increasingly jealous of Rhona and Mandy's blossoming friendship

Rhona shocks Marlon – and the rest of the pub – when she reveals her new tattoo to all. Meanwhile, her newfound friendship with Mandy continues apace, but Rhona’s life-long pal Vanessa finds herself feeling pushed out. Later, Vanessa makes a decision that pleases girlfriend Suzie.

9. Terror for Matty

Matty shakes in fear in his cell, trying to block out transphobic abuse from other inmates, terrified for his life

Matty shakes in fear in his cell, trying to block out transphobic abuse from other inmates, terrified for his life

A broken Matty at last has some hope when he is told about Samson’s confession. However, he is soon left terrified again when he heads back to his cell to find Robbo waiting for him with more violent threats. While Moira and Amy are tense as they wait for any news on Matty’s release, Matty is paralysed in fear in his cell, trying to block out the abuse from other inmates, terrified at what they might do to him.

10. Cheers, but whose drink is spiked?

Just as Will is about to take a drink from the spiked drink, Dawn  and Kim return home and two more drinks are poured meaning Rose loses track of which drink is spiked

Just as Will is about to take a drink from the spiked drink, Dawn  and Kim return home and two more drinks are poured meaning Rose loses track of which drink is spiked

Despite her reservations, Rose decides to go through with the plan to destroy Kim’s happiness by drugging Will and entrapping him. However, things go dangerously awry when she pours the drink for Will and spikes it, just as Kim and Dawn arrive. Soon, two more drinks are poured, and Rose loses track of which one is spiked…