I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! storms ratings to become the biggest show on primetime TV

Channel Ten's I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! has become TV's biggest surprise juggernaut this ratings season. 

The reality show is proving unbeatable in its primetime spot, gaining a massive 678,000 viewers on Wednesday night, according to figures published by TV Blackbox

The Australian-based TV show came in as the fifth most watched show overall, behind network news bulletins. 

Most watched: I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! has stormed the ratings to become the biggest show on primetime TV yet again - with almost 700,000 viewers on Wednesday

Most watched: I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out Of Here! has stormed the ratings to become the biggest show on primetime TV yet again - with almost 700,000 viewers on Wednesday

The show has become a huge surprise hit after it premiered earlier this month with fans unable to get enough of the likes of Jack Vidgen and Toni Pearen.

The show beat out The Project, A Current Affair and The Chase Australia, according to the OzTam five-city metro data.  

Hit: The reality show is proving unbeatable in its primetime spot, gaining a massive 678,000 viewers on Wednesday night, according to figures published by TV Blackbox

Hit: The reality show is proving unbeatable in its primetime spot, gaining a massive 678,000 viewers on Wednesday night, according to figures published by TV Blackbox

Wednesday's episode saw Jack Vidgen break down as he spoke of his complicated relationship with his mother, Rachel Hayton. 

In an emotional confession, Jack revealed the 'power dynamic' between him and Rachel changed when he won Australia's Got Talent at the age of 14. 

The win made him feel like he was the family's 'breadwinner' which lead him to resent that level of responsibility on his young shoulders.   

Emotional moment: Jack Vidgen (pictured) spoke candidly about his complex relationship with his mother, Rachel Hayton, on Wednesday's episode of the reality series

Emotional moment: Jack Vidgen (pictured) spoke candidly about his complex relationship with his mother, Rachel Hayton, on Wednesday's episode of the reality series 

The new season was pre-recorded for the first time this year, and production was also relocated from South Africa to northern NSW due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The reality show had a strong premiere with more than a million viewers watching the series which was considerably more than its 2020 premiere.  

About 1,000,300 people tuned into the broadcast, compared to 980,000 in 2020. 

Still on top! The show was the highest-rated entertainment show with news bulletins taking the top five spots

Still on top! The show was the highest-rated entertainment show with news bulletins taking the top five spots

The show has consistently rated well since the premiere with a number of viewers drawn in by the drama of the series. 

It has consistently ranked as TV's most watched entertainment series gaining more than 700,000 viewers on its fourth night on air.  

I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! continues Thursday at 7.30pm on 10

The drama continues: I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! continues Thursday at 7.30pm on Channel 10. Pictured: Alli Simpson

The drama continues: I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! continues Thursday at 7.30pm on Channel 10. Pictured: Alli Simpson 

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