'There were one or two times': Ray Meagher reveals he wanted to walk away from Home And Away in the past... as Alf Stewart's future looks in doubt after falling into a sinkhole

When Home And Away first graced Australian TV screens way back in 1988, Alf Stewart was one of the memorable early characters.

And three decades later, the life of Summer Bay's most famous resident - portrayed by Ray Meagher - is hanging in the balance after the character falls into a sinkhole.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, 73-year-old Ray confessed that in the past he was almost lured away several times from the role that made him a household name.

'There were one or two times': Ray Meagher told The Daily Telegraph that there were several instances in the past where he wanted to walk away from his iconic Home And Away role

'There were one or two times': Ray Meagher told The Daily Telegraph that there were several instances in the past where he wanted to walk away from his iconic Home And Away role

'There were one or two times, but then you stop and think,' Ray told Confidential on Thursday.

The veteran actor admitted that there weren't enough convincing offers to persuade him to say goodbye to Alf.

'The number of jobs which were firm offers (outside Home And Away) that I would have like to have done, I would have probably need the fingers of one hand to count them up,' he said. 

Hanging in the balance: Alf's life is on the line in the new season of Home and Away

Hanging in the balance: Alf's life is on the line in the new season of Home and Away

Ray went on to explain that over the three decades he had been part of the show, he had seen many fellow actors come and go.

But Ray said it was the departures of Kate Ritchie (Sally Fletcher) Judy Nunn (Ailsa Stewart) and Norman Coburn (Donald Fisher) that hit him the hardest.

'Kate Ritchie, towards the end of her stint, that was incredibly emotional,' Ray reflected in the interview.

'Kate Ritchie, towards the end of her stint, that was incredibly emotional,' Ray admitted the departures of some actors hit him harder than others. Pictured: Ray with Kate

'Kate Ritchie, towards the end of her stint, that was incredibly emotional,' Ray admitted the departures of some actors hit him harder than others. Pictured: Ray with Kate

Sad goodbye: The exit of Judy Nunn, who played Ray's on-screen wife Ailsa, was also difficult

Sad goodbye: The exit of Judy Nunn, who played Ray's on-screen wife Ailsa, was also difficult

Recent Home And Away previews have hinted that the Summer Bay stalwart could meet an untimely demise this season after falling into a sinkhole.

Earlier this week, Ray spoke to TV Week about the potentially dire scenario his character is facing, saying: 'It's not looking good for him.'

He added: 'It sure does seem like a life-or-death situation.'

'It's not looking good for him': Earlier this week, Ray teased that it could be the end of Alf

'It's not looking good for him': Earlier this week, Ray teased that it could be the end of Alf

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