I am obsessed with crystals, admits Posh: Victoria Beckham tells of 'weird' backstage rituals at her fashion shows

Ritual: The fashion designer uses Pink Quarts and Black Tourmaline backstage to bring her success

Ritual: The fashion designer uses Pink Quarts and Black Tourmaline backstage to bring her success

Perhaps it is the secret to her success, though sceptics would raise an eyebrow.

Victoria Beckham has revealed her ‘weird’ ritual of using crystals backstage at her fashion shows, specifically Pink Quartz and Black Tourmaline.

The rocks are popular among many celebrities including Madonna and Angelina Jolie who believe they have healing powers, although there is no basis in science.

And they form just part of Mrs Beckham’s superstitious routine, which also sees her avoiding ladders, saluting magpies and always staying in the same hotel when in New York.

The unusual revelation came as updated wax figures of Mrs Beckham, 40, and her retired football star husband David, 39, were unveiled at Madame Tussauds in London yesterday.   

Mrs Beckham – whose new waxwork is dressed in one of her VB designs – had just begun her career in fashion when the original was made in 2004. But now she is one of the most successful British designers, winning a Designer of the Year award in 2011.  

And revealing the rituals she credits for her success, the former Spice Girl said: ‘If I told you my backstage rituals, and was honest you would think I was a little weird. I carry my crystals with me which some people might think as odd but it works for us.’

She added: ‘New York works and my team are happy there. We have a great set up there. We go to the same hotel. But I am quite superstitious. I don’t walk underneath ladders. And if I see magpies I do the salute thing.’

Of course, some of the superstitions have a basis in common sense – not walking under a ladder reduces the risk of accident were something to fall from whatever is at the top. And picking the same hotel for regular trips will provide familiarity away from home.  

But the notion that magpies bring bad luck – a fate believers think can be reversed by saluting the birds or by saying ‘good morning’ to them – stems from an urban myth.

As for the crystals, they are believed by many to have healing properties, although there is no scientific evidence to support that.

But that hasn’t put off Mrs Beckham, who also keeps them in her bathroom to dispel negative energy, after being introduced to their spiritual ‘power’ while living in Los Angeles.

Cherie Blaire, the wife of former Prime Minister Tony Blair, is also believed to have used crystals, and was spotted wearing one around her neck in 1998, as are singers Madonna and Katy Perry.

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Revelation: Mrs Beckham disclosed her secret rituals as updated wax work figures of her and husband David were revealed at Madame Tussauds in London (pictured)

Revelation: Mrs Beckham disclosed her secret rituals as updated wax work figures of her and husband David were revealed at Madame Tussauds in London (pictured)

Speaking to students at LA SALLE College of Art in Singapore, Mrs Beckham went on to talk about family life with her husband and their four children.

She has now overtaken Mr Beckham, who retired from professional football last year, in the career stakes with her fashion brand going from strength to strength.

But she admitted her three sons - Brooklyn, 15, Romeo, 11, and Cruz, nine - still don’t have a clue what she does to afford their privileged lifestyle.

Mrs Beckham said: ‘The boys came to my fashion show this season, I don’t like them to miss school. But they were very surprised by the scale and how big it is. I think they were all very surprised that actually mummy does do something. They don’t know what the office is. They know I go there but they don’t know what it is. I just go to the office.’

Adding of her daughter Harper, two, Mrs Beckham said: ‘Quite often I come home, take my shoes off and my handbag and my sunglasses and Harper will put on the sunglasses and put on the heels with the handbag and totter around the handbag saying “I’m going to work, I’m going to work” but I don’t think she knows what work is.’


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