'I had to leave the theatre to vomit': Horror fans left 'disorientated and in tears' by 'disturbing' new film The Outwaters

Horror fans have been left terrified and nauseous by 'disturbing' new film The Outwaters.

The indie flick was released earlier this month and has already made a big impact on critics, winning rave reviews.

But viewers have been heavily affected and unsettled by the blockbuster, taking to Twitter to reveal their shock. 

In The Outwaters, directed by Robbie Banfitch, things turn scary after a camping trip to the Mojave Desert goes very wrong.

All four of the campers, who are trying to film a music video in the desert, are subject to horrifying happenings including strange animal behaviour and vibrations. 

Shocking: Horror fans have been left terrified and nauseous after watching 'disturbing' new film The Outwaters (pictured: a scene from the film)

Shocking: Horror fans have been left terrified and nauseous after watching 'disturbing' new film The Outwaters (pictured: a scene from the film)

Disturbing: The indie flick (pictured) was released earlier this month and has already made a big impact on critics, winning rave reviews

Disturbing: The indie flick (pictured) was released earlier this month and has already made a big impact on critics, winning rave reviews

One person wrote: 'I just watched @TheOutwaters... Holy f*****g s**t. I really don't have words at the moment for how scared this film made me. I'm so excited to watch it again.'

Another penned: 'Second viewing because the first time was still haunting me.'

A third person said: 'Just finished #TheOutwaters and it was very effective. Definitely wish I'd seen it in the theater.

'It was disorienting, disturbing, extremely anxiety-inducing, and an absolute journey into hell. Two thumbs up!' 

Someone else added: 'The Outwaters is the first film to give me nightmares since childhood. 

'I love when a film connects with me in a special way, knowing others could interpret it differently... any lgbtq+ w/religious backgrounds seen this? And may 2023 continue to be the year of experimental horror!'  

And a separate person tweeted: 'Due to this and the Outwaters I will probably never visit the desert again.' 

A different person shared: 'I'm still processing #TheOutwaters. I am not sure if it worked for me. The sounding made me so uncomfortably dizzy that I had to leave the theatre to vomit. This never happened to me before. It's more disturbing than scary if that makes any sense.' 

Another person said: 'I watched The Outwaters (IT IS NOT OKAY, A BIG LONG STRING OF NOT OKAY) and rewatched Lake Mungo back-to-back and I've scared myself so badly I wanna cry, why did I do this.' 

Twisted: In The Outwaters, directed by Robbie Banfitch, things turn scary after a camping trip to the Mojave Desert goes very wrong

Twisted: In The Outwaters, directed by Robbie Banfitch, things turn scary after a camping trip to the Mojave Desert goes very wrong

Scary: All of the four campers are then subject to horrifying happenings including strange animal behaviour and vibrations

Scary: All of the four campers are then subject to horrifying happenings including strange animal behaviour and vibrations

Crazy: Viewers have been heavily affected and unsettled by the blockbuster, taking to Twitter to reveal their shock

Crazy: Viewers have been heavily affected and unsettled by the blockbuster, taking to Twitter to reveal their shock

Reviewers have been sharing their own views on the film, with Noel Murray from the Los Angeles Times writing: 'Some may find all this tedious or confusing, but there's an admirable integrity to Banfitch's approach. 

'The Outwaters genuinely feels like a first-person perspective on the end of the world.

'Just don't forget your anti-nausea tablets if you're planning on watching the movie.'

The Outwaters was released in the US on February 9. There are currently no plans for the film to be released in the UK.