'It's starting to panic me': Zara McDermott reveals she's been struggling with 'substantial' hair loss six months after battling Covid

Zara McDermott has revealed she's been struggling with 'substantial' hair loss, six months after battling Covid.

The former Love Island star, 24, revealed doctors have reassured her she doesn't have alopecia, after her boyfriend Sam Thompson noticed her hair loss was 'everywhere.' 

In a video posted to Instagram Stories, Zara explained: 'I just went to have all my bloods done today. I spoke to the doctor at length about various different things.'

Panic: Zara McDermott has revealed she's been struggling with 'substantial' hair loss, six months after battling Covid

Panic: Zara McDermott has revealed she's been struggling with 'substantial' hair loss, six months after battling Covid

'He checked my scalp and everything and said it's not alopecia or anything like that. It's coming from all over my head. It's not breakage either because I can see the roots coming out.

'It's been quite a lot recently, it's been quite substantial to the point that Sam has literally like "Oh my god, Zara there is hair everywhere" and it's starting to panic me a little bit.'

The Made in Chelsea star added that the doctor had suggested that it could be a sign of long Covid, which can cause symptoms weeks or even months after someone has battled the virus.

She continued:: 'He also said it could potentially be a long Covid symptom but I did have it almost six months ago so he couldn't be 100%.'

Hair loss: The former Love Island star revealed doctors have reassured her she doesn't have alopecia, after her boyfriend Sam Thompson noticed her hair loss was 'everywhere'

Hair loss: The former Love Island star revealed doctors have reassured her she doesn't have alopecia, after her boyfriend Sam Thompson noticed her hair loss was 'everywhere'

Update: 'It's been quite a lot recently, it's been quite substantial to the point that Sam has literally like "Oh my god, Zara there is hair everywhere" and it's starting to panic me a little bit'

Update: 'It's been quite a lot recently, it's been quite substantial to the point that Sam has literally like "Oh my god, Zara there is hair everywhere" and it's starting to panic me a little bit'

Worried: She continued: 'When there's clumps of hair coming out it is concerning, whatever the cause of it could be. But hopefully it's just a Covid symptom and it's nothing too sinister'

Worried: She continued: 'When there's clumps of hair coming out it is concerning, whatever the cause of it could be. But hopefully it's just a Covid symptom and it's nothing too sinister'

'When there's clumps of hair coming out it is concerning, whatever the cause of it could be. But hopefully it's just a Covid symptom and it's nothing too sinister.'

Zara was struck down by Covid-19 in the summer and later said she suffered 'intense' symptoms, including struggling to keep food down and feeling sick after eating.

She wrote: 'I had Covid weeks ago! But I'm suffering really badly from nausea pretty much all day every day. Then when I eat I instantly want to vomit.


It is perfectly normal for people to lose small amounts of hair as it replenishes itself and, on average, people can shed between 50 and 100 hairs per day.

However, if people start to lose entire patches of hair or large amounts of it it can be more distressing and potentially a sign of something serious.

Pattern baldness is a common cause of hair loss as people grow older. At least half of men over the age of 50 will lose some of their hair just through the ageing process, according to the British Association of Dermatologists.

Women may lose their hair as they grow older, too.

Other, more concerning causes of hair loss include stress, cancer treatment such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy, weight loss or an iron deficiency.

Most hair loss is temporary, however, and can be expected to grow back. 

Specific medical conditions which cause the hair to fall out include alopecia, a disorder of the immune system; an underactive or overactive thyroid; the skin condition lichen planus or Hodgkin's lymphoma, a type of cancer. 

People should visit their doctor if their hair starts to fall out in lumps, falls out suddenly, if their scalp itches or burns, and if hair loss is causing them severe stress.


'I'm struggling to keep down any foods. I went for dinner earlier and felt instantly sick afterwards but tried to hold it in. But the feeling just gets more intense until I throw up.'

The social media influencer recently enjoyed a romantic weekend away with her beau Sam, and the Made In Chelsea star has since revealed he wants a baby with his girlfriend in the near future.

Sam told MailOnline that Zara cheating on him last year had actually brought them 'closer together' and he didn't want to be a 'really old dad' so wasn't far off starting a family.

Happy couple: The social media influencer recently enjoyed a romantic weekend away with her beau Sam Thompson

Happy couple: The social media influencer recently enjoyed a romantic weekend away with her beau Sam Thompson

The reality star gushed that Zara was the girl of his dreams and they were nearly ready to become parents but he did 'need to grow up a bit first'.

He said: 'I've hit a stage where I'm doing my house up at the moment, I want to make it into a really nice adult home, I'm nearly 30 and I'm with the girl of my dreams.'

'Not in the next year... but not in the too distant future. I don't want to be a really old dad. But I do need to grow up a little bit first.'

The Made In Chelsea star's relationship was thrown into turmoil last year when Zara confessed to being unfaithful.

But Sam quickly rekindled their romance and even made a lighthearted spoof of the Made In Chelsea scene where Zara begged for his forgiveness.

Future plans: The reality star gushed that Zara was the girl of his dreams and they were nearly ready to become parents but he did 'need to grow up a bit first'

Future plans: The reality star gushed that Zara was the girl of his dreams and they were nearly ready to become parents but he did 'need to grow up a bit first'

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