Teen rapist performed magic tricks for police and posed for photos while awaiting trial for 'soul-destroying' sex attack that saw him jailed for more than four years and left victim suicidal

  • Craig Myers, now 20, was sentences to four-and-a-half years in a YA institution  
  • Myers invited victim to his home before forcing her shorts down and raping her 
  • Peterborough Police posted a picture to their Twitter account of officers posing with Myers alongside the caption: 'Magic moment with @magicianmyers'

A teen rapist performed magic tricks and posed for selfies with police officers while awaiting trial for a sex attack that saw him jailed for more than four years. 

Craig Myers, now 20, was sentenced last week to four-and-a-half years in a Young Offenders Institution, after Peterborough Crown Court heard his victim was left feeling suicidal.

The court heard how Myers invited her to his home in Bretton, in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, on May 22, 2019, before forcing her trouser-shorts down and raping her in his bedroom.

Myers was arrested that same day, but later released on bail.

Craig Myers, now 20, was sentenced last week to four-and-a-half years in a Young Offenders Institution, after Peterborough Crown Court heard his victim was left feeling suicidal

Craig Myers, now 20, was sentenced last week to four-and-a-half years in a Young Offenders Institution, after Peterborough Crown Court heard his victim was left feeling suicidal

And now, a shocking photo has emerged of the young rapist performing magic tricks and smiling happily for photos with officers from Peterborough Police - just two months after his attack.

On July 21, 2019, Policing Peterborough - the same force that had arrested him - shared a photo to their Facebook page of one of their Specials officers smiling next to Myers as the teen held a fanned-out deck of cards.

The post, which has now been removed, read: 'Magic moment with @magicianmyers.'

Less than a month later, Myers visited Sainsbury's where he posed for another photo with a security guard, again with a deck of cards in hand.

And now, a shocking photo has emerged of the young rapist performing magic tricks and smiling happily for photos with officers from Peterborough Police - just two months after his attack

Myers was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court last Friday (January 15) to 54 months at a Young Offenders institution.

His victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, has spoken out about the 'heartless, soul-destroying' attack.

She said: 'Since that night I have changed. I have spent hours scrubbing my skin, trying to remove the marks that nobody sees.

'I couldn't speak about it to most of my family. It made me feel dirty, used and as if he had killed a part of me.

'I still struggle being alone since the heartless, soul-destroying attack.

The court heard how Myers invited his victim to his home in Bretton, in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, on May 22, 2019, before forcing her trouser-shorts down and raping her in his bedroom

The court heard how Myers invited his victim to his home in Bretton, in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, on May 22, 2019, before forcing her trouser-shorts down and raping her in his bedroom

'My mental health has been on a downward slope since the rape and at one point I tried to take my own life.

'I hope he never has the chance again to hurt someone the way he did me. I will never 'get over' what happened, I live with it every single day.'

The victim added that after the offence, Myers had fallen asleep but she was too scared to move.

The following day she returned home and told her family before calling police.

DC Sarah Murtagh, of Cambridgeshire Police, said: 'I would like to applaud the bravery of the victim.

'It is never easy to report an offence, but her courageous decision to do so to before attending the Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) made this result possible.

'A rape investigation is often a complex process and we are lucky to work with remarkable partner agencies, which offer vital support to victims throughout the legal process.'

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