Donald Trump's Republican convention at the White House damaged South Lawn so badly that it is being recovered with new sod, with his campaign saying it will foot bill

  • The South Lawn of the White House is undergoing extensive repair work
  • Attendees at President Donald Trump's convention speech - along with the heavy equipment used to pull off the production - damaged the sod
  • Trump's campaign is paying for the work at no cost to the tax payer 
  • Also, Melania Trump's newly-renovated White House Rose Garden is undergoing repair just three weeks after the new changes were revealed  
  • President Trump has been taking a motorcade to Joint Base Andrews to catch Air Force One instead of Marine One, which takes off from South Lawn
  • President also held a press conference on the North Portico on Monday - an unusual move as outdoor events are usually held in Rose Garden 

The South Lawn of the White House is undergoing extensive repair work after attendees at President Donald Trump's convention speech - along with the heavy equipment used to pull off the production - damaged the sod.

Workers have been spotted rolling new sod onto the law after nearly 2,000 Trump supporters gathered to hear the president accept the Republican nomination for a second term.

There are brown patches on the South Lawn and muddy areas in the nearby Rose Garden, which need to be reseeded. 

The president's reelection campaign is paying for the work. Trump's decision to give a campaign speech from the White House drew complaints he was using the government property for his personal, political gain.

'The sod is being replaced at no cost to taxpayers. Additionally, there has been other planned infrastructure work taking place on the south grounds,' said White House spokesman Judd Deere in a statement. 

Workers lay sod on the South Lawn of the White House as crews repair damage to the public grounds, including browning of the South Lawn and mud patches in the Rose Garden

Workers lay sod on the South Lawn of the White House as crews repair damage to the public grounds, including browning of the South Lawn and mud patches in the Rose Garden

President Trump's campaign is paying for the work on the South Lawn so no taxpayer money will be used

President Trump's campaign is paying for the work on the South Lawn so no taxpayer money will be used

Nearly 2,000 people crowded on to the South Lawn to hear President Trump accept the Republican nomination for a second term

Nearly 2,000 people crowded on to the South Lawn to hear President Trump accept the Republican nomination for a second term

President Trump was criticized for using the White House for a campaign event

President Trump was criticized for using the White House for a campaign event

Katie Liming, a spokeswoman for the National Park Service Capital Region, told The Washington Post the repairs are being paid for by the campaign, as required under the convention's agreement for holding the event. 

'Turf restoration is underway on the South Lawn,' Liming said. 'The National Park Service is using cost recovery funds from the RNC to pay for the work. Cost recovery was a condition of the permit for the event and federal funds were not used.' 

And a White House official pointed out it's not uncommon across administrations for repair work to be done after large scale events take place on the lawn, such as the annual Easter Egg Roll or the Fourth of July celebration.

Trump's convention speech, given August 27, featured a large stage, giant TV screens and scaffolding to hold lights and other equipment. It was capped with an elaborate fireworks show. 

Guests had free rein to wander the South Lawn to take photos and watch the fireworks. Several attendees posted selfies on social media,showing a jovial, crowded gathering with little social distancing and few people wearing masks. 

Additionally, Melania Trump's newly-renovated White House Rose Garden is undergoing repair just three weeks after the new changes were revealed and the first lady gave her speech to the Republican National Convention.

The garden is experiencing 'issues with water drainage' and 'some minor complications with updated construction,' a source told CNN.

The first lady gave her convention speech from the area on August 25. There was a turf put down for the event to protect the grass. 

The side effect of all the construction work is that President Trump has been taking a motorcade to Joint Base Andrews for his trips the past two weeks - an unusual move given he usually flies in Marine One to the base to catch his flight on Air Force One. 

The White House press office on Tuesday said he's been driving instead because of construction on the South Lawn, which is where Marine One takes off and lands.

Melania Trump's newly-renovated White House Rose Garden is undergoing repair just three weeks after the new changes were revealed

Melania Trump's newly-renovated White House Rose Garden is undergoing repair just three weeks after the new changes were revealed

The garden was closed for about five weeks as construction took place and is now closed again for repair work

The garden was closed for about five weeks as construction took place and is now closed again for repair work

President Trump on Monday held a news conference on the North Portico, an unusual outdoor location for him to take questions from the press as such events are usually in Rose Garden

President Trump on Monday held a news conference on the North Portico, an unusual outdoor location for him to take questions from the press as such events are usually in Rose Garden

President Trump has been taking a motorcade to Joint Base Andrews to catch Air Force One instead of Marine One, which takes off from South Lawn

President Trump has been taking a motorcade to Joint Base Andrews to catch Air Force One instead of Marine One, which takes off from South Lawn

And, on Monday, the president held a news conference on the North Portico, an unusual outdoor location for him to take questions from the press.

'We have a lot to be thankful for, including this really beautiful day. It's why I thought we'd do this outside as opposed to in your more normal place,' President Trump told reporters at the start of his Labor Day press conference.

The 'normal place' for the president's outdoor news conferences is the Rose Garden.

First lady Melania Trump speaks on the second night of the Republican National Convention from the Rose Garden of the White House

First lady Melania Trump speaks on the second night of the Republican National Convention from the Rose Garden of the White House

Melania Trump unveiled her renovations to the White House Rose Garden last month, completed in time for her to make her case for her husband's re-election when she  spoke from there for the Republican National Convention

Melania Trump unveiled her renovations to the White House Rose Garden last month, completed in time for her to make her case for her husband's re-election when she  spoke from there for the Republican National Convention 

The newly-renovated garden conforms with the first lady's personal aesthetic: clean lines, well structured, and soft, neutral colors

The newly renovated White House Rose Garden with its pink and white blossoms

The newly renovated White House Rose Garden with its pink and white blossoms

Washington DC had an abnormally wet summer, with a steady stream of rain in July and August. The 18.75 inches of rain was more than eight inches above average - the downpours the side effect of Tropical Storm Isaias and Hurricane Laura.

Melania Trump unveiled her renovations to the White House Rose Garden on August 22, a project she had been working on for months. 

Paid for by private donations, the first lady returned the garden to its roots, honouring the original design by Bunny Mellon, made at the request of President John F. Kennedy in 1962.  

The newly-renovated garden conforms with the first lady's personal aesthetic: clean lines, well structured, and soft, neutral colors.

But Melania Trump also came under criticism for removing crab apple trees originally put there during Kennedy's time, which officials said was done as they were making too much shade for other plants to grow well in the garden.   

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