EXCLUSIVE: Tell China's Xi to close the wet markets Mr. President! Lisa Vanderpump lobbies Donald Trump to take action against Chinese sale and slaughter of live animals including her beloved dogs

  • Reality TV star Lisa Vanderpump is calling on President Trump to tell Chinese President Xi Jinping to put an end to the wet markets
  • The coronavirus is suspected to have started to spread at a wet market - where live animals are sold and slaughtered - in Wuhan, China  
  • Vanderpump became familiar with the concept of wet markets as she's pushed for five years to have the annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival shut down 
  • She judged the Miss Universe Pageant twice before Trump was elected to the White House in 2016 
  • For her new effort she's teamed up with Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings and Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan
  • Hastings and Vanderpump wrote an op-ed together while Hastings and Buchanan sent a letter to Trump urging him to pressure Xi 
  • The Vanderpump Dog Foundation has also launched a Change.org petition to get the United Nations and the World Health Organization involved 
  • Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19

Reality TV star Lisa Vanderpump is calling on President Donald Trump to tell Chinese President Xi Jinping to put an end to the wet markets, where the coronavirus first spread. 

'We need President Xi to shut the bloody things down,' Vanderpump said in an interview with DailyMail.com. 'Right now, with all the eyes on China, I believe President Trump needs to say this has to stop, it's unacceptable.' 

Vanderpump has become all too familiar with 'wet markets,' where dogs, cats and exotic animals are slaughtered and sold, as she's led a crusade to end the annual Yulin Dog Meat Festival for the past four years through her organization, the Vanderpump Dog Foundation. 

Reality television star Lisa Vanderpump wants President Trump to pressure Chinese President Xi Jinping to close the wet markets in his country. Vanderpump has led a crusade against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival for the past five years

Reality television star Lisa Vanderpump wants President Trump to pressure Chinese President Xi Jinping to close the wet markets in his country. Vanderpump has led a crusade against the Yulin Dog Meat Festival for the past five years 

President Donald Trump
China's President Xi Jinping

 Vanderpump has teamed up with members of Congress to urge President Trump (left) to exert pressure on Chinese President Xi Jinping (right) to close the wet markets for good, after the coronavirus may have started its spread at one in Wuhan, China 

The wet market in Wuhan, China (pictured) is where the coronavirus is thought to have come from, though there are some questions of whether the virus originated from the market or simply spread through it

The wet market in Wuhan, China (pictured) is where the coronavirus is thought to have come from, though there are some questions of whether the virus originated from the market or simply spread through it 

The scene at a wet market in Hong Kong in 2018 as a vendor sees as increase in pork prices because pig supplies became scarce in mainland China due to a Swine Fever outbreak

The scene at a wet market in Hong Kong in 2018 as a vendor sees as increase in pork prices because pig supplies became scarce in mainland China due to a Swine Fever outbreak 

The launch and expansion of the foundation to a full-blown dog rescue, complete with a Los Angeles storefront, have been captured on two Bravo shows, 'The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' and 'Vanderpump Rules,' opportunities that Vanderpump said 'really afforded me the time and the vehicle to really shout from the rooftops.'  

For the new initiative, she's teamed up with Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings and Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan, a member and the co-chair of the Congressional Animal Protection Caucus, respectively. 

The two lawmakers sent a letter to Trump over the weekend, while Vanderpump and Hastings co-wrote an op-ed asking that the president and his administration 'begin discussions immediately with President Xi Jinping to put an end to dangerous "wet markets," before the next pandemic.' 

'The close proximity of animals to one another and to humans, as well as the on-site butchering, creates a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria to thrive and move from host to host, animal to human,' they wrote. 

Lisa Vanderpump (center left) has worked alongside Dr. John Sessa (left), daughter Pandora Vanderpump Sabo (center right) and husband Ken Todd (right) to launch and grow the Vanderpump Dog Foundation

Lisa Vanderpump (center left) has worked alongside Dr. John Sessa (left), daughter Pandora Vanderpump Sabo (center right) and husband Ken Todd (right) to launch and grow the Vanderpump Dog Foundation 

The foundation has grown into a full-blown rescue operation, complete with a storefront in Los Angeles that has been featured on 'Vanderpump Rules'

The foundation has grown into a full-blown rescue operation, complete with a storefront in Los Angeles that has been featured on 'Vanderpump Rules' 

Vanderpump (right) knows the president (left), as she previously judged the Miss Universe Pageant twice before Trump was elected. She's working with lawmakers, however, to lobby the president on the issue of banning wet markets

Vanderpump (right) knows the president (left), as she previously judged the Miss Universe Pageant twice before Trump was elected. She's working with lawmakers, however, to lobby the president on the issue of banning wet markets 

Vanderpump and Hastings urged action on both animal welfare and public health grounds. 

'I do think that China ... I tread lightly with the way I'm composing my sentences because I'm a public figure - but I believe they're indebted to us for the catastrophic events that have transpired after the careless situation these markets have created,' Vanderpump argued to DailyMail.com.  

A new Change.org petition launched by the Vanderpump Dog Foundation asks the United Nations and the World Health Organization to put pressure on China as well.

Vanderpump knows Trump personally - she judged two Miss Universe contests before he was elected to the White House in 2016.

But Vanderpump Dog Foundation's Executive Director John Sessa said that they wanted to go through the 'proper channels, the proper avenues' and also get more Congressional support, instead of having Vanderpump make a personal call. 

'He's probably got more important things on his mind right now,' Vanderpump added. 

She said that the petition is an important piece because, 'We need every signature we can get because we need people to understand in Congress that people are very, very concerned about this and passionate about this.' 

One potential ally they have is Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican who's close to the president. 

In early April, Graham advised Trump to tell Xi to go after the wet markets as part of his response to the coronavirus pandemic, which is believed to have started to spread at a wet market in Wuhan, China. There are still questions about whether the pandemic originated at the market.   

'What I would tell President Trump is to call President Xi and say "Listen, you just reopened the wet markets in Wuhan where we believe this all came from. Crack down on exotic animals in these wet markets where they contaminate the food supply and human beings,' Graham said. 'Bats carry [contagions], stop eating bats,' the GOP senator added.   

Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings
Republican Rep. Vern Buchanan

Vanderpump teamed up with the bipartisan duo of Rep. Alcee Hastings (left), a Democrat from Florida and also Rep. Vern Buchanan (right), a Republican also from Florida 

Sen. Lindsey Graham also looked like a potential ally as he advised Trump in early April that he should pressure Xi to crack down on wet markets, especially the sale of exotic animals

Sen. Lindsey Graham also looked like a potential ally as he advised Trump in early April that he should pressure Xi to crack down on wet markets, especially the sale of exotic animals 

And while the White House did not respond to a request for comment from DailyMail.com on whether Trump would put pressure on Xi to close the wet markets, the president has been amenable to animal welfare causes in the past. 

In November, Trump made animal cruelty a federal crime by signing into law the PACT or Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture act.  

And in September 2018, House Resolution 401 went through without resistance from Republicans. The resolution urged every nation to ban consumption of dog and cat meat. 

China has been making progress too. 

The country has reclassified dogs from livestock to pets. This month the cities of Zhuhai and Shenzhen have banned the consumption of dogs, cats and some exotic animals. 

But the summertime Yulin Dog Meat Festival could still go on. 

Sessa (pictured) documented what he saw on the ground in Yulin for the 2017 documentary 'The Road to Yulin.' Here he and other activists have rescued animals that were due to be slaughtered

Sessa (pictured) documented what he saw on the ground in Yulin for the 2017 documentary 'The Road to Yulin.' Here he and other activists have rescued animals that were due to be slaughtered 

Animal activists, like a group who intercepted these dogs heading to dog meat restaurants in 2013, have found dogs crammed into cages alongside some who are dead

Animal activists, like a group who intercepted these dogs heading to dog meat restaurants in 2013, have found dogs crammed into cages alongside some who are dead 

The documentary showed similarly graphic material of dog carcasses for sale in Yulin, China. These dogs were slaughtered for the 2016 festival

The documentary showed similarly graphic material of dog carcasses for sale in Yulin, China. These dogs were slaughtered for the 2016 festival 

Dog meat is shown being served at a restaurant in Yulin, China at the 2017 festival

Dog meat is shown being served at a restaurant in Yulin, China at the 2017 festival 

These dogs were rescued from the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in 2017 and are getting tended to by volunteer veterinarians

These dogs were rescued from the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in 2017 and are getting tended to by volunteer veterinarians 

Sessa documented what he saw behind-the-scenes at the festival for the 2017 documentary ''The Road to Yulin,' which was co-produced by Vanderpump and her husband Ken Todd. Daughter Pandora Vanderpump Sabo also works for the foundation. 

In the film, Sessa breaks down after seeing a dog killed in front of him at a dirty slaughterhouse. 

'And for me, the first time I went to a slaughterhouse and saw the skinning and the blood everywhere and the limbs everywhere - a. it changed my life forever and b. I'm more passionate than ever that we can try and end them,' he told DailyMail.com.

Vanderpump, again, encouraged Trump to step in. 

'It's also about Yulin coming up,' she noted, as the festival takes place each year on the summer solstice.

'We've seen evolution and progress in five years of China,' she said, but added, 'this needs to change now. And we are begging and pleading for him to be instrumental in this change.'  


As our nation, and indeed the world, struggles to respond to the pandemic outbreak of the novel coronavirus of 2019 and the resulting COVID-19 disease, it is essential that we examine and address the origins of this highly contagious and dangerous disease. China's lax regulation of illegal slaughterhouses and live animal markets, also known as 'wet markets,' have been directly connected to the spread of COVID-19 and other diseases. Despite this connection, insufficient efforts have been made to prevent the high risk of animal-to-human spread of disease in these markets.

These 'wet markets' are known hot beds of disease and have both global-scale public health and animal welfare implications. Outbreaks of disease put hundreds of thousands, if not millions of human lives, at risk, in addition to the inhumane conditions which animals, such as dogs, cats, and other species, are far too often subjected to prior to their slaughter for human consumption. The Vanderpump Dog Foundation visited these illegal slaughterhouses in their documentary 'The Road to Yulin and Beyond' and highlighted the unsanitary and inhumane condition of these 'wet markets'. Scientific reports and data provide evidence that the virus that causes the disease COVID-19,[1] was transferred to humans from a specific live animal market in Wuhan, the capital city of China's Hubei province. Studies show that the virus is 95 percent genetically similar to a coronavirus in horseshoe bats and 70 percent similar to the SARS-CoV, the virus that causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ('SARS') in humans. The genetic similarities between these three viruses illustrate the ability of viruses found in animals to genetically mutate to allow for transmission to humans when they are in close contact.[2]

These live animal markets keep a variety of common and endangered species in unsanitary and inhumane conditions where they are purchased and then slaughtered for human consumption in the same contaminated areas. The close proximity of animals to one another and to humans, as well as the on-site butchering, creates a breeding ground for viruses and bacteria to thrive and move from host to host, animal to human. Scientists researching the virus suspect that the coronavirus moved from animals to humans via contact with or the consumption of animals, such as pangolins, from the identified live animal market.[3] It is clear that the contaminated and inhumane conditions in which these animals are kept and killed present a danger to the health of humans as proven by the global and devastating spread of COVID-19.

'We need to address the root of where this devastating pandemic began, and we implore local and federal governments to create change. Any lack of action with regards to addressing the source of this pandemic will present a danger for our future, and the threat that similar diseases will not only reoccur but expand. We continue to think of those across the world that have been gravely affected by COVID-19 and encourage global governments to put thought into action to stop this from happening again. This sadly is a stark reminder of what our Foundation has been fighting for since our inception and the incredible need to shut down slaughterhouses and illegal markets,' said Lisa Vanderpump, Founder of The Vanderpump Dog Foundation. 'This is a chance for President Trump to take a stand against these "wet markets" and make it his objective to stop the spread of infectious diseases and save the world from another pandemic.'

As champions of the animal welfare movement both in the United States and across the globe, we are deeply alarmed by both the animal welfare and public health concerns presented by 'wet markets,' such as the one which has increasingly been linked to the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan. We have a responsibility to sound the alarm now, in order to prevent the next viral outbreak. The stakes could not be higher! This is why it is crucial that President Trump and his administration begin discussions immediately with President Xi Jinping to put an end to dangerous 'wet markets,' before the next pandemic. We need urgent action, not just on animal welfare grounds, but to protect the public health of all nations, including our own.

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