'Dangerous' custard pie fight cancelled because of health and safety fears

  • Event classified as a sport - and no company will insure it
  • Bakewell Mayor Paul Morgans has been unable to find an insurer

A custard pie fight has been cancelled - because no insurer will cover the 'dangerous' event that is classified as a 'sport'.

The flan flinging free-for-all was scheduled to close the first Bakewell Baking Festival, held in the Derbyshire town which is home to the famous cherry-topped cake.

But Mayor Paul Morgans has been unable to find an insurer to cover the event because it is 'too dangerous'.

In the 1976 film Bugsy Malone, a custard pie fight made everyone realise they could be friends. Insurers told people in Bakewell (famous for its tarts) they are seen as dangerous

In the 1976 film Bugsy Malone, a custard pie fight made everyone realise they could be friends. Insurers told people in Bakewell (famous for its tarts) they are seen as dangerous

He said: 'I have rung round dozens of insurance companies - none of which will cover this event as it is classed as a sport.

'But really - how can a paper plate and some custard foam be more dangerous than horse riding or rugby or even crossing the road? It's a classic case of world gone mad.

'These insurance companies are really damaging our country and taking all the pleasure out of being alive.

'I'm surprised there isn't rioting in the streets. It's ridiculous.'

Bakewell, a picturesque town in the Derbyshire Dales, is famous for its confectioneries, including the Bakewell Tart and the Bakewell Pudding - a flan stuffed with egg and almonds.

The pie fight in Bakewell, Derbyshire, has been cancelled as no one will insure it

The pie fight in Bakewell, Derbyshire, has been cancelled as no one will insure it

The planned custard scrap on June 9 was named the 'Mr Darcy Pie Fight' in tribute to Jane Austen, who penned Pride and Prejudice in the town.

Teams were meant to protect their own 'Mr Darcy' and the winner would have been whoever was the last to be splattered with pie.

Organisers have even taken to Facebook to appeal for help in getting the event insured.

They wrote: 'Who would have thought that a paper plate and some custard foam could be so hazardous.

'We're having trouble finding an insurance company willing to insure this 'Incredibly Dangerous' event. Unbelievable!

'So if anyone knows of or is an insurer willing to take on the Mr. Darcy Custard Pie Fight please contact us.'


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