Mother whose two children, aged three and seven, died in horror blaze started by faulty electronic device in their bedroom wins six-figure settlement from TV manufacturer

A mother who broke both her legs after jumping out of a window to escape a horror blaze that killed her two young children has won a six-figure settlement from their TV's manufacturer.

Jade Horton leapt from the second storey of the building as her children - Isaac, 3 and Sienna, 7 - died in their bedrooms in the 2020 fire in Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire.

The children's inquest heard how the inferno was sparked by a 'perfect storm of bad luck' meant the home acted as a chimney and the fire spread rapidly up through its floors.

Little Isaac was killed in his room on the first floor, moments before his big sister died on the level above him. 

The fire was believed to have been caused by a television at the foot of the boy's bed, which was identified by a screen frame discovered in the debris of the blaze.

The unnamed manufacturer has since agreed to compensate Ms Horton, paying her a six-figure sum. 

Jade Horton, pictured with her children - Isaac, 3 and Sienna, 7 - who tragically died after a fire

Jade Horton, pictured with her children - Isaac, 3 and Sienna, 7 - who tragically died after a fire

Isaac, 3 and Sienna, 7 died in their bedrooms in the 2020 fire in Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire

Isaac, 3 and Sienna, 7 died in their bedrooms in the 2020 fire in Eynesbury, Cambridgeshire

Jade Horton leapt from the second storey of the building to escape the blaze, breaking both her legs

Jade Horton leapt from the second storey of the building to escape the blaze, breaking both her legs

The children's inquest heard how the inferno was sparked by a 'perfect storm of bad luck' meant the home acted as a chimney and the fire spread rapidly up through its floors

The children's inquest heard how the inferno was sparked by a 'perfect storm of bad luck' meant the home acted as a chimney and the fire spread rapidly up through its floors

Speaking at her children's inquest in 2022, the former prison officer described the awful moment she rushed to her daughter's bedroom after hearing screams.

But she couldn't get downstairs because the heat of the fire was so intense. 

Her partner's arm set alight as he tried to struggle upstairs to find poor Sienna.

Both suffered burns, but their cause of death was given as smoke inhalation as both would have likely been unconscious beforehand, The Sun reported.

Ms Horton said: 'I always did my best for my children and I will always love them unconditionally.

'To lose both your children is an immense heartbreak that never leaves you. I'm proud to have been their mother.'

Sienna and Isaac were pronounced dead at the scene, Miss Horton was taken to hospital and a 46-year-old man, the children's step father, suffered minor injuries as he rushed inside to try to save them. 

Smoke alarms in the house were delayed because of how the fire spread through the building, the court was told.

Little Isaac was killed in his room on the first floor, moments before his big sister died on the level above him

Little Isaac was killed in his room on the first floor, moments before his big sister died on the level above him

Both suffered burns, but their cause of death was given as smoke inhalation as both would have likely been unconscious beforehand

Both suffered burns, but their cause of death was given as smoke inhalation as both would have likely been unconscious beforehand

Isaac's door was held open by a stairgate and spread upstairs, with the three-storey home's open top floor window acting like a chimney. 

Head of Serious Injury and Multi Track at JF Law, Clare Morris, who secured the settlement, said: 'This is the most tragic case I've ever dealt with. 

'I am deeply honoured to have been able to assist in this small way and to have helped Jade get the result she so deeply deserves.

'Nothing can replace what she has lost but I hope settling the claims brings some peace and comfort.'