Stacey Solomon reveals she asked her sons' permission to have another baby - after revealing Joe Swash's son didn't appear on their family Christmas Card because 'it's complicated'

  • Stacey Solomon asked her sons Leighton and Zachary to have new baby Rex 
  • Rex was the first child of Stacey, 30, and boyfriend Joe Swash, who also has son 
  • Yesterday Stacey said reason Joe's other son wasn't on card was  'complicated' 

Loose Women panelist Stacey Solomon has revealed that she asked her two sons for their permission to have another baby with her partner Joe Swash. 

Stacey, 30, who has sons Leighton, seven, and Zachary, 11, from previous relationships, told on today's show that she wouldn't have had another baby without her children's blessing, because she wouldn't want to make their lives 'miserable'.

Last night, Stacey also addressed questions from fans about why Joe's son from a previous relationship didn't appear on their family Christmas card, saying the situation is 'a bit more complicated than it seems'.

Loose Women panelist Stacey Solomon (pictured) confessed that she asked her two sons their permission to have another baby with new current Joe Swash

Loose Women panelist Stacey Solomon (pictured) confessed that she asked her two sons their permission to have another baby with new current Joe Swash

Children: The TV personality shares Rex with presenter Joe Swash (Pictured with Joe and her three children Zachary, 11, Leighton, seven, and baby Rex, on holiday in The Maldives)

The TV personality has a six-month-old son, Rex, with presenter Joe Swash (Pictured with Joe and her three children Zachary, 11, Leighton, seven, and baby Rex, on holiday in The Maldives) 

She said: 'We're a very open family, I think it's always complicated when you're in a blended family and you know there are different dynamics. 

'However they're all brothers and they will always be my children and they will always be just family, there's nothing else to it. 

'When Joe and I decided to have Rex, we had to have a conversation with the children first to make sure that they were comfortable with that.' 

She told that the pair hadn't even started trying before seeking the permission of Stacey's children. 

Joe, 37, and Stacey, 30, had baby Rex (pictured) six-months-ago and asked her children's permission before they started trying

Joe, 37, and Stacey, 30, had baby Rex (pictured) six-months-ago and asked her children's permission before they started trying 

'Before we started trying, we sat down with all of our children and spoke about the notion of adding more to the family.', said Stacey. 

'Because it just didn't feel right to go on ahead without making sure they were happy.' 

When quizzed on what she would have done if her boys weren't happy with her decision, she said: 'I would have waited until they were happy and if it didn't happen, then it didn't happen. 

'I feel so privileged to have two children in my life. If that would have made their life miserable - no I wouldn't have gone ahead and changed that.' 

When quizzed on what she would have done if her boys weren't happy with her decision she said she wouldn't have gone through with it

When quizzed on what she would have done if her boys weren't happy with her decision she said she wouldn't have gone through with it 

The host told that she wouldn't want to make her children 'miserable' by having another baby if they didn't want one

The host told that she wouldn't want to make her children 'miserable' by having another baby if they didn't want one 

Yesterday evening, Stacey cleared up questions from social media asking where the 12-year-old son Joe shares with ex-fiancée Emma Sophocleous was. 

 She told: 'I've got loads of comments from people asking about all of our children, and why they are not in my photos.

'And unfortunately it is not something that I am able to do, otherwise I would do it all the time.

The star said that she respected 'all of the boys'
She insisted that she was trying to clear up questions from fans

Yesterday evening, Stacey cleared up questions from social media asking where the 12-year-old son Joe shares with ex-fiancée Emma Sophocleous was

All the kids are a massive part of our lives and we love them all equally, and adore them, and behind the scenes we are very much on every stocking, in every book and in every photo.

'But publicly that is not something that I can do and I totally respect that.

'We respect everyone's wishes and we are a blended family and sometimes that is a bit more complicated than it seems.

'I don't know if that is the best way to explain it, but I just thought because so many people are asking.

We respect everybody's wishes, including the boys'.'

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