Viewers are left feeling SORRY for Britain's most hated mum in the conclusion of The Moorside. So was the BBC trying too hard to get sympathy for Karen Matthews? 

  • The Moorside came to an explosive end in Tuesday night's final episode, watched by 7.3million people
  • Some claimed the BBC tried too hard to make viewers sympathetic to Karen 
  • Makers are also accused of overplaying Matthews' personal problems 
  • Many viewers were left bewildered over Karen Matthews' (played by Gemma Whelan) attitude to losing her children when they are put into care 

The Moorside came to an explosive finale last night and some viewers admitted feeling sorry for Karen Matthews - but others said the BBC tried too hard to garner sympathy for the 'monster mum'.

The second in the two-part programme, viewed by 7.3million people last night, told how her drugged and kidnapped daughter Shannon was found less than a month after she went missing in 2008 and Karen was charged and jailed for her involvement. 

It also included the extraordinary moment the mother-of-seven was told her children would be taken into care and she responded by eating Monster Munch crisps and drinking a bottle of fizzy pop.

Matthews, played by Gemma Whelan, was also shown tearfully confessing to friends including Julie Bushby, played by Sheridan Smith, that she knew about her daughter's abduction and claimed she was just trying to leave boyfriend Craig Meehan. Police and prosecutors claimed it was to secure the £50,000 reward money. 

One viewer, ‏@juninho_86 tweeted afterwards: 'Why is the BBC trying to make us feel sympathetic towards a monster in Karen Matthews?' Another, @_whatkatydid wrote: 'It almost seems in some bizarre way that they were trying to make the public feel sorry for Karen Matthews. Never gonna happen!'.

Denouement: The Moorside came to an explosive finale last night and some viewers admitted feeling sorry for Karen Matthews, shown here played by Gemma Whelan

Denouement: The Moorside came to an explosive finale last night and some viewers admitted feeling sorry for Karen Matthews, shown here played by Gemma Whelan

Confession: The show revealed that Matthews told friends she had lied as they sat in a police car 

Confession: The show revealed that Matthews told friends she had lied as they sat in a police car 

Karen is told that her children will have to go into care - she then had some crisps and pop

Karen is told that her children will have to go into care - she then had some crisps and pop

Mother-of-seven Matthews, 41, left in 2008, knew where her daughter was. Today she is living a new life, under a new name and has turned to God
Turned to God: Mother-of-seven Matthews, 41, poured her heart out for an hour to Christian friends from a local church group in a cafe before reading through newspaper reports about the controversial BBC drama The Moorside, starring BAFTA winner Smith

Mother-of-seven Matthews, 41, left in 2008 and right recently, knew where her daughter was. Today she is living a new life, under a new name and has turned to God

Several also suggested that the BBC production had suggested the mother, who had her children with five fathers, had special needs even though she does not have learning difficulties.

Missing: Police launched a desperate search in February 2008, after nine-year-old Shannon did not return to her home on the Moorside Estate in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire

Missing: Police launched a desperate search in February 2008, after nine-year-old Shannon did not return to her home on the Moorside Estate in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire

@EmilyCAndrews wrote: The way #Moorside is portrayed it makes it seem that Karen Matthews has some sort of mental disability but in real life she doesn't seem it'.

@GraceFirth said: 'The moorside are portraying Karen Matthews as having a mental capacity of a 5 year old'.

Jay Leigh said: 'Shannon was drugged! How can anyone feel sorry for Karen? ill or not you never ever harm your kid or anyones child!'

Some still maintained they had sympathy for her.

Hannah Pinkney ‏tweeted: 'Loved #Moorside feel sorry for everyone involved, including the mother'.

Angry of Bradford tweeted: '#Moorside was so powerful, it made me feel sorry for the mum. How the hell did that happen?'  

The story's protagonist, played by Gemma Whelan, was criticised by spectators who were shocked to see her tucking into a bag of Monster Munch shortly after social services remove her children from her care.

As is true to life the mother-of-seven sees her children put into care after it is discovered that Karen's partner Craig Meehan is in possession of child pornography.

The drama sees Gemma's character begging to keep her offspring in her care before quickly cutting to a scene portraying the mother minutes later enjoying a bag of crisps.

Shocked by what the BBC is describing as a 'true account' viewers took to Twitter to voice their outrage over her behaviour. 

Shannon Matthews' grandmother, June, recently branded the programme as 'sick and disgusting' and told the Mail that the traumatic events her family endured were not 'entertainment'.

A BBC spokesman said: 'This drama is not focused on Shannon Matthews herself. Her abduction is not portrayed, nor are her experiences during the time she was missing.

'The drama tells the story of the women who led the campaign to find her.'

In the show Matthews claimed she was just trying to leave boyfriend Craig Meehan. Police and prosecutors claimed it was to secure the £50,000 reward money

As is true to life the mother-of-seven sees her children put into care after it is discovered that Karen's partner Craig Meehan is in possession of child pornography (pictured kissing after Shannon was found)

As is true to life the mother-of-seven sees her children put into care after it is discovered that Karen's partner Craig Meehan is in possession of child pornography (pictured kissing after Shannon was found)

Reaction: Some viewers said the show tried too hard to be sympathetic to Karen - others said they felt sorry for her

Reaction: Some viewers said the show tried too hard to be sympathetic to Karen - others said they felt sorry for her

Some Twitter users joked that they sympathised with Karen and that they too see the Walkers crisps as high priority in their lives.

Several social media users pointed out that her choice in the savoury snack might suggest something about her character. 

Last night's installment of The Moorside is the final episode of the BBC drama that portrays the true story of the 'abduction' of Shannon Matthews. 

As the drama came to an end on Tuesday night, viewer @SherifanMatthew posted on Twitter: 'Right. Let's take a vote on this. Do you think Sheridan should be up for an award for her role as Julie Bushby in The Moorside.'

@victoriab70 added: '@WhelanGemma absolutely outstanding portrayal in Moorside.'

@30starletts posted: 'Moorside @BBCOne extremely well done, final episode was really emotive. There are many perspectives in a case, this brought light to that.'

However, some questioned whether it was appropriate to make the programme at all, less than a decade after the real events.

@emmamorrisey wrote: 'I found Moorside so disturbing ... fantastic acting but still unsure whether it was a drama that should have gone ahead?' 

Viewers of The Moorside were left shocked by Gemma Whelan's portrayal of Karen Matthews losing her children to social services

Viewers of The Moorside were left shocked by Gemma Whelan's portrayal of Karen Matthews losing her children to social services

Almost immediately afterwards Whelan's character can be seen tucking into a packet of Monster Munch

Almost immediately afterwards Whelan's character can be seen tucking into a packet of Monster Munch

In February 2008, police launched a desperate search after nine-year-old Shannon did not return to her home on the Moorside Estate in Dewsbury.


. 19 February 2008 Shannon Matthews is last seen outside her school in Dewsbury

. 20 February Police announce a massive search for the missing girl

. 21 February 200 volunteers join the local police search party

. 1 March Shannon's mother Karen issues an emotional public appeal for the safe return on her daughter 

. 12 March Reward offered for information leading to Shannon's whereabouts is increased to £50,000

. 14 March Shannon is found inside the base of a divan base at the home of Michael Donovan in Batley Carr 

. Over the next few weeks Donovan, along with Shannon's mother and stepfather, are all charged for separate offences

. 23 January 2009 Matthews and Donovan are sentenced to eight years each of kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice


A £50,000 reward was offered after Shannon disappeared and her mother made a series of emotional appeals on the television while the local community, led by Julie Bushby, played by Sheridon Smith in the drama, made extraordinary efforts of their own to find the missing schoolgirl.

However, it wasn't long before doubts started to creep in regarding Karen's behaviour - and just weeks later it was revealed that her kidnap had been entirely staged.

Ms Matthews admitted she arranged for the abduction to receive the reward money for finding her.

Her daughter was discovered on March 14 2008 - less than a month after she was reported missing - at a house in Batley Carr, one mile from Dewsbury.

The home where she was found belonged to Michael Donovan, now 49, who is the uncle of Karen Matthews' former boyfriend Craig Meehan. 

Matthews and Donovan were arrested and went on trial at Leeds Crown Court before being convicted of kidnap, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. 

In 2008 Karen Matthews was sentenced to eight years in prison for kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice along with Michael Donovan, the uncle of Karen's boyfriend. 

Shannon, who was taken into police protection and cared for by social services, is now 18 years old. 


What has happened to Shannon and the others on Moorside? 

The kidnapped daughter

Today Shannon is 18 and living secretly under a new name after being cared for by a new family

Today Shannon is 18 and living secretly under a new name after being cared for by a new family

When Shannon Matthews was rescued by police 24 days after her abduction it quickly became clear she wanted a fresh start in life.

Officers who found her had asked if she wanted to see her cruel mother Karen, and she quickly replied 'no'. It would later emerge her mum had orchestrated the whole plot.

Today Shannon is 18 and living secretly under a new name after being cared for by a new family.

Shannon Matthews was drugged and forced to live in the base of a divan bed while her mother tried to get her hands on the £50,000 reward money.

She was kept at Michael Donovan’s squalid flat in Batley Carr, a mile from her family home. Almost a month after she vanished she was rescued.

The youngster had been drugged and forced to adhere to a strict list of rules while held captive.

Police also discovered a long strap knotted to a roof beam at one end of the flat with a large loop dangling at the other. This was used to restrain Shannon during more than three weeks of captivity.

The court was told the ordeal left Shannon 'disturbed and traumatised' and suffering from nightmares.

Before being given a fresh start by social services she briefly lived with her grandparents June and Gordon, who had hoped to keep her.

Her 'pure evil' mother

Karen Matthews is a born again Christian living secretly far from Yorkshire after being revealed as one of Britain's worst mothers.

Matthews, who had seven children by five fathers, drugged daughter Shannon and hid her at a flat a mile away because there was £50,000 on offer.

The officer who led the inquiry, Detective Superintendent Andy Brennan, said at the time of her conviction that Matthews had 'totally betrayed' her daughter, and condemned her as 'pure evil'.

Mother Karen Matthews On The Steps Of Her Home After Seeing Missing Daughter Shannon Matthews
Karen Matthews sat with friends inside of a Toby Carvery

Matthews, left at the time Shannon was found, and right last week, had seven children by five fathers, and drugged daughter Shannon and hid her at a flat a mile away

Craig Meehan kisses his then partner Karen Matthews - he would later be  jailed for possessing child sex abuse images

Craig Meehan kisses his then partner Karen Matthews - he would later be  jailed for possessing child sex abuse images

Justice: Matthews, played by Gemma Whelan in  the hit BBC show Moorside, says she should be left alone to get on with her life

Justice: Matthews, played by Gemma Whelan in Moorside, says she should be left alone to get on with her life

The 41-year-old, who turned to God during her four years in jail, has dyed her ginger hair black and is using the name 'Kate' while living in an undisclosed location in the south of England.

She is now teetotal living on benefits in southern England under a new name inspired by her favourite Hollywood star.

She has even 'f****** given up swearing', Karen told a friend, adding: 'I know I did something wrong but I'm not the baddest person people are making out. I am sorry for hurting people.'.

Karen is struggling to get by on her £25-a-week benefits, saying: 'They’ve completely lowered my money. It’s a horrible life'.

But she is happy to have found God.

She told a friend: 'When I left prison I picked up a Bible and saw a passage about "God loves you". I knew I was hated by everyone, cut off from my family. But here they were, saying I was loved'.

She takes solace from her bible study group in a local cafe.

Karen told told the friend: 'I get to meet people and talk. They are kind and don’t judge'.

She claimed that her daughter Shannon had been kidnapped in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, in February 2008.

Shannon was found, following a police search costing £5million, 24 days later less than a mile from her home in a house belonging to the uncle of Craig Meehan, Matthews' boyfriend. She had been tied up, drugged and hidden in the base of a divan bed.

It is thought that Matthews staged the kidnap in order to claim the £50,000 reward for her return. She was convicted of kidnapping, false imprisonment, and perverting the course of justice and was sentenced to eight years along with Michael Donovan, Meehan's uncle.

Matthews was released after serving four years at New Hall prison in West Yorkshire and Foston Hall prison in Derbyshire.

Matthews continues to protest her innocence, while her daughter, who is now 18, is living under a new identity at an undisclosed location.

According to The Mirror, Matthews has told friends about the constant threats.

She told one: 'I cannot go out of the door. I'm frightened out of my life. I'm shaking like a leaf. I'm s*** scared to even get any ­shopping or anything.

'I know I can't stop it but why does it have to be dragged up again? Why don't they just leave me alone and let me get on with my life?'

The paedophile ex

The paedophile former boyfriend of Karen Matthews had nothing to do with the kidnap of her daughter Shannon - but would be unmasked as a paedophile during the investigation.

Craig Meehan was jailed for possessing child sex abuse images and released close to home with a new identity.

Meehan was never charged in connection with Shannon's abduction. While she was missing he spent a lot of his time playing on his games console.

He has been living in Yorkshire under a different name - but has been relocated five times since his release from prison in 2008.

Meehan, left, played by Tom Hanson in Moorside, has been relocated five times since his release from prison in 2008
Meehan, left, played by Tom Hanson in Moorside, has been relocated five times since his release from prison in 2008

Meehan, left, played by Tom Hanson in Moorside, has been relocated five times since his release from prison in 2008

Bruises: Craig Meehan, pictured, the paedophile boyfriend of Karen Matthews, was attacked a day before the controversial new BBC drama of the kidnap of her daughter Shannon was aired

Bruises: Craig Meehan, pictured, the paedophile boyfriend of Karen Matthews, was attacked a day before the controversial new BBC drama of the kidnap of her daughter Shannon was aired

Meehan had remained in Dewsbury and was recently unmasked living just 100 yards from a primary school.

He had been living in a tiny end of terraced house in a quiet street popular with families and just yards from a school.

The house was close to the home he shared with Matthews and Shannon at the time of her abduction.

Meehan was allegedly beaten up by three men recently who had discovered his true identity this.

They spotted 30-year-old Meehan outside a local branch of Tesco and beat him after a chase through the estate.

A family friend told MailOnline: 'He was just getting used to coming out again, going to the shops and the bookies, he was starting to get confident.

'Now that he's had a thumping at one of the places he felt safe at, he feels scared and he's gone reclusive again.'

He had just emerged from a betting shop, where he spends much of his time.

Two of the men carried out the attack while the third man, who appeared to be the leader, taunted the paedophile, calling him a pervert.

Meehan, who suffered severe bruising to his face and head, had suspected concussion and was advised by police to go to hospital but he refused.

He now wants to be moved again.

The oddball kidnapper

 Michael Donovan is one of society's misfits but still maintains he was just 'looking after' Shannon while she was imprisoned inside a bed.

Variously described as an oddball, weirdo and a loner, he spent most of his time shut in his flat, only venturing out to collect his benefits or buy food and lager.

Although he was once married and briefly held down a paid job, those days of relative normality had long gone by the time he kidnapped and held Shannon prisoner.

But Donovan, then 40, is no criminal mastermind. Toothless and walking with a limp, he cut a somewhat pathetic figure.

Nine-year-old Shannon was found in Michael Donovan's flat in Batley Carr, West Yorkshire, 24 days after she went missing in 2008
Nine-year-old Shannon was found in Michael Donovan's flat in Batley Carr, West Yorkshire, 24 days after she went missing in 2008

Nine-year-old Shannon was found in Michael Donovan's flat in Batley Carr, West Yorkshire, 24 days after she went missing in 2008. He was played by Sam Chapman in Moorside

The victim of a car crash years ago, he suffers from dystonia, a neurological condition that requires him to take medication to prevent him from falling over.

His IQ is also so low he is classified as 'mentally impaired'. He has difficulty reading and needs help to spell even the most basic words.

The one love of his life is driving, and his silver Peugeot 406 car.

Psychologists were astonished he was able to learn the Highway Code and pass his driving test - although he did require more than 100 lessons.

One incident recalled by Colin Backhouse, his former boss at an engineering firm, conveys his intelligence.

He was given a £20 note to fill up the firm's van with diesel. Later he was seen driving back and forth on the road outside.

When asked what he was doing, Donovan said: 'There was only enough room in the tank for £18.40 of fuel, so I drove around a bit so I could use the other £1.60.'

In 2006 Donovan picked up his elder child from school and took her to Blackpool for three days, in breach of a court order. He booked them into a bed and breakfast under false names.

Shannon Matthews was forced to adhere to a strict list of rules, which were signed off with 'IPU', which the jury was told stood for 'I promise you',  a threat Karen used against Shannon

Shannon Matthews was forced to adhere to a strict list of rules, which were signed off with 'IPU', which the jury was told stood for 'I promise you',  a threat Karen used against Shannon

The bed that Shannon was hidden in inside accomplice Michael Donovan's squalid flat

The bed that Shannon was hidden in inside Donovan's squalid flat

Donovan was charged with abduction but the case was dropped at court.By this time Donovan was taking a daily cocktail of drugs.

He had tablets for depression, a muscle relaxant for his dystonia and he took Temazepam to help him sleep at night.

He also had a criminal record for deception. A crook, with access to drugs and a record of abducting a child made him the perfect accomplice for Karen Matthews.

In letters shown to The Sunday Mirror, which Donovan addressed to a female penpal known only as Sarah, the convicted kidnapper writes: 'There's always two sides to the story and if only I could say my side then people will understand why I had to look after Shannon.'

Showing no remorse for his crime, Donovan, 48, adds: 'My solicitor said the police or CPS may drop the charges on me, because Karen did know I was looking after Shannon.'

The betrayed friends

Julie Bushby and Natalie Murray were friends and neighbours of Karen Matthews, who led the community campaign to find Shannon only to realise they had been lied to.

Julie, who is played by the actress Sheridan Smith, and her performance has been described as perfect.

Julie says the community in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, is 'fed up' of hearing about the traumatic events of 2008 and their dramatic retelling.

She said: 'Nothing has really been said about it on the estate. They are fed up of it. I don't think anybody is bothered anymore.'

Julie Bushby and Natalie Murray were friends and neighbours of Karen Matthews, who led the community campaign to find Shannon only to realise they had been lied to.

Julie Bushby and Natalie Murray were friends and neighbours of Karen Matthews, who led the community campaign to find Shannon only to realise they had been lied to.

Julie, who is played by the actress Sheridan Smith, and her performance has been described as perfect.

Julie, who is played by the actress Sheridan Smith, and her performance has been described as perfect.

Natalie, who was played by Sian Brooke, will never speak to Karen again after betrayal

Natalie, who was played by Sian Brooke, will never speak to Karen again after betrayal

Julie was one of the only people to visit her former friend in prison, and told This Morning that she went because she just 'wanted the truth'.

'I wanted answers. No [I didn't get answers]. She kept saying other people were involved, I just wanted the truth… I wanted to know who, why, what.'

As part of the terms of Karen's release, she was barred from any contact with anyone related to the case, including Julie.

Natalie Murray, 35, from Dewsbury, left her husband in the same year Shannon was abducted.

She says she never spoke to Karen again after she admitted lying about the disappearance and would never speak to her if they ever met again.

Natalie, Karen's next door neighbour at the time, explained how she had had her 'suspicions' about the mother's story, but that no one believed her and the sole focus was on finding Shannon. 

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