From little princess to pauper: Cartier gems, private jets, a £14m mansion, Sasha grew up amid staggering opulence... then her parents’ divorce left her penniless

Cartier gems, private jets, a £14m mansion - Sasha grew up amid staggering opulence. Then her parents’ divorce left her penniless... but taught her a priceless lesson

Sasha Young’s 17th birthday celebrations this Saturday will be a modest affair. There will be no Cartier watch from Dad this time, no spectacular party with entertainers and caterers, and no private jet waiting to whisk her off to somewhere luxurious.

There will be little in the way of gifts from Mum either, whose finances these days just about stretch to a birthday cake. Not that Sasha is looking for any sympathy. Indeed, in these recession-hit times, she knows it will be in short supply for poor little rich girls like her; even those who have been humbled.

Where once Sasha had the run of multi-million pound mansions, home is now a modest, rented two-bedroom flat in London. She has been forced to leave her exclusive private school and there will be no foreign holidays over the Christmas break.

Scarlet (left) and Sasha Young enjoying Christmas day at the £14 million mansion in Oxfordshire before their parents' separation which  has resulted in a long-running bitter divorce battle

Scarlet (left) and Sasha Young enjoying Christmas day at the £14 million mansion in Oxfordshire before their parents' separation which has resulted in a long-running bitter divorce battle

In other words, the girl who once lived the life of a pampered princess has been forced to join the real world. If it has been a difficult adjustment, then Sasha is trying to look on the bright side. The luxuries are gone, yes, but she says she feels richer in less materialistic ways.

‘How we used to live was nice,’ she says. ‘Every year, Dad bought me a Cartier watch or pendant; one year he bought me a miniature Louis Vuitton box. But I don’t mind that it’s no longer like that. It’s nice to see a different side of life. The things I appreciate now are friends and family, not possessions. This has made me a stronger, better person. It’s been difficult, but you just have to get on with it. .’

It is hard to imagine a more remarkable story of riches to, well, not quite rags, but seriously-reduced circumstances where every penny counts. Sasha’s self-made parents felt that if you worked hard, you should be seen to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

How we used to live was nice... Every year, Dad bought me a Cartier watch or pendant; one year he bought me a miniature Louis Vuitton box

But how did Sasha go from a  £14 million Palladian mansion in Oxfordshire, described in property pages of up-market publications as a ‘mini-Buckingham Palace’, to a modest flat? Sasha is the younger daughter of multi-millionaire property tycoon and telecommunications entrepreneur Scot Young, 49, and his estranged wife Michelle, 47.

For five years, Sasha’s parents have been locked in a bizarre and incredibly bitter divorce battle after Michelle left Scot in 2006, claiming their ‘volatile and unhappy’ marriage had become unbearable. Mr Young, who once boasted a  £200 million property portfolio including six mansions in London’s millionaires’ haven of Belgravia, was instructed to pay his estranged wife £27,500 a month in maintenance, with extra to cover rent and school fees for Sasha and her older sister Scarlet.

sha once had the run of multi-million pound mansions (pictured aged six) but today home is a modest, rented two-bedroom flat in London following the collapse of her parents' marriage

sha once had the run of multi-million pound mansions (pictured aged six) but today home is a modest, rented two-bedroom flat in London following the collapse of her parents' marriage

However, he claimed to have lost his entire fortune — estimated by some at £2 billion — virtually overnight, in a failed business venture that involved a Russian investment project. Furthermore, he claimed to be in debt to the tune of £28 million and in 2009 declared himself bankrupt. So far, Mr Young has been unable to provide the High Court with any paperwork to explain what happened to his fortune. In 2009, he was found guilty of contempt of court and given a six-month suspended jail sentence.

Michelle, who claims to have proof that her ex-husband’s wealth has been spirited away into off-shore accounts to avoid paying her a divorce settlement, is now looking forward to a four-day hearing in January. If Mr Young fails to provide the court with evidence of where his assets have gone, he could be jailed.

114,000 couples divorced in England and Wales in 2009

Helping Michelle on the case is Dai Davies, the former head of Scotland Yard’s Royal Protection Squad, who, with another ex-Met police colleague, has retrieved computer files from laptops Mr Young gave to his daughters, and reviewed evidence which will be presented in January. Mr Davies told the Mail: ‘In all my career, I have never seen a case like this.’

Michelle, a former model and fashion buyer, says: ‘I feel Scot has stolen our lives from us. By punishing me, he is also punishing his children — and that I cannot accept. It is our children I am fighting for.’ For Sasha, however, the feelings are more complex.

The thought of her father deliberately salting his fortune away, with such a devastating effect on them, is unbearable. ‘No one likes to see another person imprisoned,’ says Sasha. ‘He’s still my father, but all this has made me doubt his love for me. How could it not?’

Millionairess divorcee Michelle Young pictured on her wedding day with ex-husband Scott Young in March 1995

Millionairess divorcee Michelle Young pictured on her wedding day with ex-husband Scott Young in March 1995

For a while after the separation, Michelle, Scarlet and Sasha lived in a rented London house, until money donated by friends to help meet their living expenses, ran out. Then Sasha had to leave the £14,400-a-year Francis Holland School — one of the most distinguished girls’ schools in the country — because of unpaid fees. Her mother scraped enough together to let her sit her GCSEs at a private college, but Sasha is no longer in education. 

This is the first time Sasha has spoken publicly about her parents’ divorce and the devastating effect it has had on her. While it may be difficult to sympathise too much with a spoilt girl brought low, parental divorce is a difficult experience for any teenager — all the more so when it leads to such a dramatic change in lifestyle.

A softly-spoken, willowy brunette, Sasha is writing a semi-autobiographical novel recording her feelings on the break-up that destroyed her family life. Not only is it cathartic, but she also believes it could help other children suffering the effects of divorce. She says: ‘I wouldn’t want anyone to go through what my sister and I have been through, and I think I have something to say to help others.

‘I think divorce affects children in the same way whatever background you are from. It’s never easy to see your parents get divorced. You always expect them to be together. I want other children to realise it is not their fault that their parents are divorcing. As a child I was extremely lucky — but I would have given up all those material things to have a happy family life.’

Sasha Young has now written a book about her parents' divorce

Sasha Young has now written a book about her parents' divorce

I meet Sasha and her mother at their new rented home in Central London. Sasha tells me she misses her luxurious childhood bedroom in the family’s Oxfordshire home, where she and Scarlet were usually driven to their private school by Michelle in a Porsche Cayenne, Range Rover or Hummer. These days, if they need to go somewhere, they either walk or take the bus. But Sasha says she would have happily given up all the wealth and privilege for a happy home life and two parents who loved and respected each other.

‘As children, we were close to our mother because my father was not at home often. He was always doing business in London. But he used to call me his “cheeky little monkey” and I remember him playing in the gardens with us. He always used to tell me he loved me.’ Sasha remembers the excitement of going on holiday to Barbados or to the exclusive Hotel Du Cap in the South of France. ‘We were very appreciative,’ she says. ‘We knew we were very lucky.’

As Mr Young’s business dealings and fortune grew, Sasha and Scarlet saw less of him. When she was eight and her sister was ten, the family sold the mansion in Oxfordshire and bought a house in Surrey. They stayed there just eight months before going back to Oxfordshire because the children missed their friends so much. The mansion on the exclusive Wentworth estate was sold for a reported £20.5 million to Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky.

And although Mr Young lavished gifts on Michelle, buying her £1 million of Graff jewellery for her 40th birthday, Sasha could feel, and was saddened by, the tensions and arguments between her parents. The family even moved to a beach-front villa in Miami as a ‘fresh start’, but Michelle was no longer prepared to subject her daughters to the acute distress of their disintegrating marriage. She claims Scot suffered terrible mood swings, and used his money — and the threat of withdrawing it — as a weapon against her.

She decided to divorce him, citing ‘unreasonable behaviour’. Since then, she says, working on her legal case has become a 24/7 job consuming every hour as she fights what she perceives as ‘loopholes to protect wealthy men’. Sasha says the worst part of all this has been ‘seeing my mum so stressed’. Sasha is not speaking to her father, whose current girlfriend is reported to be fashion designer Noelle Reno, 28, a former fiancée of banking heir Matthew Mellon.

The pair are a regular fixture in gossip columns. Word has filtered back to Sasha of her father dining  at top restaurants and mixing in high-powered circles, despite his apparent fall from grace.
After a court hearing last year, Mr Young said: ‘I didn���t have anywhere near the kind of wealth (Michelle) says I had. Yes, we lived lavishly, but I ended up over-extending myself.’

Sasha last saw her father a few months ago when they met him in a coffee shop in the hope that he might at least agree to continue paying their educational fees. ‘It was all very awkward,’ says Sasha, whose sister Scarlet left school half-way through her A-levels and is now working as a model. ‘Mum asked if he could find a way to continue paying our school fees — but Dad said he couldn’t afford  dinner, let alone school fees. He said he felt very bad about it, but he had no money. We haven’t spoken since.’

But as her mother fights her  ex-husband to try to retrieve the lifestyle they once enjoyed, Sasha says she already has everything she needs. She is still close to her friends from Francis Holland School, and says knowing they value her for who she is, rather than how rich she is, has sustained her.

‘I have learned that friendship is important,’ she says. ‘If you have people who support and understand you, you will never be poor. This has made me a lot stronger, and made me realise I have to get to the stage where I can make my own money and rely on myself. When I get to that stage, I’m going to make sure I appreciate it more. Most of all, I want to make sure my children won’t be put in the situation I have been put through.’

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