Bride discovers her fiancé cheated on her with another woman who's now PREGNANT - just three weeks before their wedding day

  • A devastated bride-to-be has discovered her fiancé impregnated his secret lover
  • The 29-year-old said her fiancé, 35, made the shocking confession last week
  • He revealed he was sleeping with another woman over the past five months
  • Shocking confession came just three weeks before the couple's wedding day

A devastated bride-to-be has dumped her cheating fiancé after she discovered he impregnated his secret lover just three weeks before their wedding day.

The 29-year-old said her fiancé, 35, made the shocking confession last week about how he was sleeping with another woman over the past five months.

'She's now pregnant and the wedding is less than three weeks away... I have kicked him out of the house, we are over... But I feel so numb and I'm just heartbroken,' she wrote on Reddit.

'He lied to me for five months and had a relationship with another woman while we were planning our wedding. 

'I had moments of weakness when he first told me… thinking I could find a way past it. But I realised I would hate myself in the end if I stayed with him.' 

A devastated bride-to-be has dumped her cheating fiancé after she discovered he impregnated his secret lover just three weeks before their wedding day (stock image)

A devastated bride-to-be has dumped her cheating fiancé after she discovered he impregnated his secret lover just three weeks before their wedding day (stock image)

The newly single woman said she had no idea her fiancé was being unfaithful.

'The biggest thing I find myself thinking is how I could have been so clueless. But my friends and family and his family are just as shocked as me,' she said.

'I can't trust him ever again.'  

She said she cancelled their wedding the day after he confessed - and will use the money to cover his half of the rent following their breakup.

'I couldn't go forward with it, he lied to me for so long. I wish I still didn't love him but I know that it can't be switched off. I know that time will help but I'm just devastated by it all,' she said.

'Thankfully I was met with very gracious vendors who didn't hold me to the contract and allowed me to keep the money I owed them.

Key signs of a serial cheater 

* They are harder to detect because they have mastered their craft

* They go out of their way to tell you that their ex was insecure and that they have friends of the opposite sex

* They get defensive when you ask about their night or who they were with

* They will confess their undying love for you and in the same breath suggest you get help as you are ruining the relationship with your insecurities

* They use lines like 'why are you being so insecure all of a sudden?'


'I can use the money to supplement his half of the rent... I will have no problems paying rent on my own once the wedding month runs out.'

Determined to turn her life around, she said she's starting therapy this week.

'I do know I'll be stronger and happier after this. And he will have to live with what he's done the rest of his life,' she said. 

After sharing her story, many people applauded her for walking away from what could have been the most miserable marriage of her life.

'Good for you. As much pain as you feel now, having ignored his treacherous and destructive behaviour would only have caused you tons more down the line. You got this. And you'll see soon enough that you dodged a huge bullet,' one wrote.

Another said: 'It's terrible but stay strong. You deserve to find happiness with a healthy person that loves you.'

One person suggested: 'Girl! You're so lucky you didn't marry him. He will probably cheat on the new girl too, what a loser. Now go buy yourself something cute and go to a tropical place and enjoy that single life.'

While another added: 'Thank god he had the courage to tell you before marriage. I know it's a silver lining type of thinking but it could be worse - you could be pregnant too and stuck with this person for life.'

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