
Sobre el Programa

In 2006, CONICYT creates Astronomy Program, with a mission to support and encourage the development of national astronomy, posicionar esta disciplina como un área estratégica de desarrollo de la ciencia en nuestro país y promover a Chile como una potencia mundial en el área astronómica.

Budget 2017: MM$1.100

Lines of Action:

  • Support, strengthening and popularization of astronomy to relieve this discipline as strategic model of development of science in the country and make Chile a world power in this area.
  • Promoting scientific cooperation, technological and attracting new projects and investments in astronomy, through national and international strategic alliances.

Major Achievements 2014

  • Award of 13 proyectos en el concurso del Fondo ALMA-CONICYT por un monto total de $ 393.980.500.-
  • Award of 13 proyectos en el concurso del Fondo GEMINI-CONICYT por un monto total de $ 191.769.400.-
  • Award of 4 proyectos en el concurso del Fondo QUIMAL por un monto total de $ 598.300.000.-
  • Award of 291 hours of observation in the Chilean researchers APEX telescope (11 projects), and 223,4 hours at the Gemini-South telescope (28 proposals)

Major Achievements 2012

  • Award ALMA-CONICYT Fund (10 projects) and GEMINI-CONICYT Fund (11 proposals).
  • Award of 796 hours of observation in the Chilean researchers APEX telescope (40 projects), and 195 hours at the Gemini-South telescope (21 proposals).
  • Signature of Scientific Cooperation Agreement Astronomy (MOU) between CONICYT and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), to be implemented in 2013.
  • Making the Second Workshop of Astronomy Chile-China in Beijing, involving 15 Chilean astronomers.
  • Opening of the new Fund Development Quimal Instrumentation and Technologies for National Astronomy, that finances the construction or acquisition of instruments.
  • Presentation of "Astronomy, Technology, Industry: Roadmap for the Fostering of Technology Development and Innovation in the Field of Astronomy in Chile ", document prepared by CONICYT, Ministry of Economy, CORFO InnovaChile, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CNIC.
  • Advances in the Atacama Astronomical Park to finalize the concession 50 years in the Llano de Chajnantor. They are already installed mini-TAO, ACT and Polarbear. For March 2013 approved the installation of CLASS.