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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

The Commonwealth Fund has made a commitment to become an antiracist organization. That commitment extends not only to our research agenda, our grantmaking, and our communications, but also to all aspects of our internal operations and interactions — from our endowment management and hiring practices to the ways we relate to one another.

Our commitment to racial equity, diversity, and inclusion did not arise from bare ground, as the Fund has sought to eliminate disparities in U.S. health care for more than 100 years. We are seeking to build on these efforts — but with a deeper understanding of the legacy of systemic racism in health care and better tools to help eliminate it.

We believe it is every staff person’s responsibility to live by the values of our Vision and Pledge to Promote Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. These values are deeply embedded in each of our roles, and we hold ourselves individually and collectively accountable for the fulfillment of them through our own actions and the work we undertake.

Our Vision and Pledge to Promote Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion


The United States has long been marked by racism and discrimination. This legacy of inequity is also embedded in our health care system. It is evident in the profound disparities in health care access, delivery, and quality that adversely affect the health and well-being of Black Americans, Indigenous Americans, and people of color.

We as a foundation are conscious of our own role in the creation and perpetuation of these injustices. And we are committed to dismantling racism in health care.

The Commonwealth Fund envisions a health care system that values and benefits all people equally — one that combats racism and pursues equity, both in treatment and outcomes as well as in leadership and decision-making.

We believe achieving this goal requires an antiracist alliance of people and institutions across sectors of society. Only by working together can we recognize and value the lived experience of all individuals; ensure the delivery of compassionate, affordable, quality health care; and strive for equitable outcomes for all.


The Commonwealth Fund is committed to an antiracist agenda. As we work toward our mission, we pledge the following:

  • To expand and diversify the group of individuals and organizations whom we listen to, learn from, and support.
  • To draw upon the Fund’s resources, history, and credibility in advancing the principle of antiracism and the goals of racial equity, diversity, and inclusion.
  • To highlight and address structural and systemic inequities in U.S. health care through our grantmaking, intramural research, and dissemination activities so that the nation can achieve fair and just outcomes for people of color.
  • To accelerate efforts within our own organization to cultivate a diverse and collaborative workplace, one where the life experiences and vantage points of every staff member are respected and valued, and where all staff can meaningfully contribute to the foundation’s work.
  • To commit to concerted, sustained, and multifaceted action.
  • To always be transparent in our actions and hold ourselves accountable for successes and failures in this endeavor.

Visit our Advancing Health Equity page to learn about our research and grantmaking initiative to eliminate inequities in health care treatment, experience, and outcomes for people of color.

Read our report to learn more about the Commonwealth Fund’s ongoing journey to fulfill our commitment to racial equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Check out our blog for quick takes on the latest equity-related health care policy and practice news.