The timetable of cases pending before the Tribunal, with an indication of the dates scheduled for the hearing when they are known, is shown in the table below.

The list of cases to be dealt with at a session of the Tribunal is drawn up by the Chair of the Tribunal pursuant to Article 8 of the Rules of procedure. The parties are informed in advance of the date of the hearing fixed by the Chair of the Tribunal, in accordance with article 24, paragraph 1, of the rules.

The Tribunal’s hearings are public unless the Tribunal decides, on its own initiative or at the request of one of the parties, that the hearing is to be held wholly or partly in camera.

It should be noted that the Administrative Tribunal has its seat on the premises of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, where it has its own hearing room.

  The next session will take place from 18 to 20 November 2024.

Pending decisions

Tableau des recours

{{[N° du recours]}} - {{[Requérant / Appellant]}} v. {{[Organisation]}}

Hearing: {{[Hearing]}}{{[No hearing]}}

{{{[Subject of the appeal]}}}

Next Hearing

Tableau des recours

{{[N° du recours]}} - {{[Requérant / Appellant]}} v. {{[Organisation]}}

Hearing: {{[Hearing]}}{{[No hearing]}}

{{{[Subject of the appeal]}}}

Proceedings ongoing

Tableau des recours

{{[N° du recours]}} - {{[Requérant / Appellant]}} v. {{[Organisation]}}

{{{[Subject of the appeal]}}}