The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities’ co-operation programme with Tunisia is part of the South-Med Partnership and aims to help renforce local governance in Tunisia by providing a platform for the exchange of experience and expertise between Congress members and their Tunisian counterparts, for example through plurilateral meetings and exchange of good practice.

Tunisia, a Partner for Local Democracy

Tunisia has obtained the "Partner for Local Democracy" status, from the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities at its 37th Session in October 2019. This status offers the Council of Europe’s neighbouring countries an ideal platform for dialogue and institutional contacts with their European counterparts.

The Tunisian delegation comprises 4 representatives and 4 substitutes who may sit alongside Congress members and contribute to the debates during sessions – albeit without the right to vote – and to the work of its Monitoring, Current Affairs and Governance committees.

See also: "Tunisia, Partner for Local Democracy of the Congress"

History of co-operation with Tunisia

Tunisia has ratified several treaties and is part of some partial agreements of the Council of Europe. It has been a member of the Pompidou Group's Mediterranean Network (MedNET) since 2006, of the Venice Commission since 2010 and of the North-South Centre since 2016.

The co-operation activities carried out by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities established strong relationships with associations and other relevant stakeholders within the government and the Parliament. This political dialogue resulted in the joint request from the Tunisian Government and associations of local and regional authorities for "Partner for Local Democracy" status, which was approved by the Congress at its 37th Session in October 2019.

See also: Council of Europe Treaty Office

Council of Europe's Neighbourhood Partnership with Tunisia

Tunisia benefits from co-operation activities within the framework of the Neighbourhood Partnership, financed by joint programmes of the Council of Europe and the European Union, which aim at promoting dialogue and co-operation with neighbouring countries and regions that wish to co-operate with the Council.

During its 121st Session on 11 May 2011 in Istanbul, the Committee of Ministers approved the Secretary General's proposals concerning the Council of Europe's policy towards its immediate neighbourhood. The document “Neighbourhood Partnership with Tunisia 2015-2017”, which contains the action plans for the implementation of this policy, was approved by the Committee of Ministers in 2015 and was followed, in 2018, by the “Neighbourhood Partnership with Tunisia 2018-2021”.