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How not to take naked selfies

Observations on travelling without your clothes (and the consequences of doing so)

How to make conversation with strangers: 5 tips for solo travellers

On holiday alone and bored of your own company? Here's how to make friends, fast

Top 10 airport stereotypes

From the morning drunks to the velour enthusiasts - how many of these have you spotted in-flight?

10 interesting things about passports

What's the best passport in the world? 10 things you probably didn't know about passports, and were too busy to ask

10 ways to blend in when travelling

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fit in, at home or abroad. But doing so isn't easy - though it can be slightly easier in some places than others

10 festival stereotypes

The outdoor party season is upon us. To help you prepare, we've rounded up the characters you're most likely to find dancing in the field alongside you

10 classic poetry quotes on travel