We Need a General Election Now

We Need a General Election Now

18 October 2022
Signatures: 474,696Next Goal: 500,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by David Marley

Liz Truss has quit as prime minister after just 45 days in office.

She had no mandate for her abrupt changes of policy when she took charge – except from 81,000 Conservative Party members, a tiny and unrepresentative section of the population. Nor did she have any authority for her U-turns, repeatedly changing the government’s fundamental stance on taxes and public spending.

Announcing her resignation, Ms Truss said a new prime minister would be chosen within a week. We at The Independent believe this is unacceptable.

This will be the third Conservative prime minister since the last general election in 2019.

Who is leading our country should be decided in a general election, not in the strange bubble of yet another Conservative leadership election.

It is time for voters to decide who should govern the country and uphold the democratic principles our governing bodies are built on. For this reason we are calling for a general election now.

It is a simple and fundamental principle that the government derives its democratic legitimacy from the people. Let them have their say.

Thank you for your support.

David Marley

Acting Editor, The Independent 

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Signatures: 474,696Next Goal: 500,000
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