Stop SFUSD from spending Millions to rename our Schools

Stop SFUSD from spending Millions to rename our Schools

October 16, 2020
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Signatures: 28,862Next Goal: 35,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Sean Wang

SFUSD recently announced that they will be spending time and money to rename 44 schools in San Francisco, including George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Lowell High Schools.

It is estimated that the cost of renaming each school would be $100,000 - schools will have to replace signs, rename school gear, and do a complete rebranding if their names are forced to change. 

As parents/constituents, we strongly disagree with this decision - when schools are still yet to open and SFUSD has not come up with an effective plan for remote learning, we believe that renaming schools is the wrong priority. 

As Mayor London Breed recently said, this decision by the School Board is "...offensive. It's offensive to parents who are juggling their children's daily at-home learning schedules with doing their own jobs and maintaining their sanity...It's offensive to our kids who are staring at screens day after day instead of learning and growing with their classmates and friends."

We agree. Sign the petition to send a message to the School Board and SFUSD - stop wasting time and money renaming the schools and focus on educating our kids!

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Signatures: 28,862Next Goal: 35,000
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Decision Makers