Oppose USA Climbing's new restrictions on transgender athletes

Oppose USA Climbing's new restrictions on transgender athletes

November 20, 2023
Signatures: 11,902Next Goal: 15,000
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Why this petition matters

On September 26, 2023, USA Climbing approved a new Transgender Athlete Participation Policy. Under the new policy, USA Climbing requires all transgender athletes and their families to take actions that are expensive, intrusive, and often unobtainable. We are deeply concerned about the impact of this policy on climbers and our sport. Our plea is for USA Climbing to reconsider the policy, aiming for inclusivity and fairness for all USA Climbing athletes.

Historically, USA Climbing has supported trans athletes' participation with inclusive policies that ensure access to the sport, and transgender athletes have participated without conflict. The new policy imposes eligibility requirements for all transgender athletes, including youth participants—Youth B, Youth A, and Juniors—which are legally inaccessible, unnecessary for these age groups, and raise concerns for athletes’ safety and privacy.

The new transgender policy has raised concerns about its alignment with USA Climbing's core values of Athlete First and Diversity & Inclusiveness. We believe this policy may inadvertently send a message that the trans community is unwelcome within USA Climbing–sanctioned competition, contrary to their mission to support all athletes. USA Climbing's commitment to non-discrimination based on race, color, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin is commendable. We also share the belief that athletes should compete in a respectful, safe, and harassment-free environment and have the opportunity for fair competition in accordance with the organization's mission.

We believe that the voice of the trans community was not fully represented in the policy discussions. We support the inclusion of transgender and nonbinary athletes in rock climbing, and we believe that no one should be denied the opportunity to experience the benefits of competition, or the pride of being part of a team, simply for being who they are. And we believe that no one should be pressured to make a medical decision for the sake of a sport.

We ask USA Climbing to:

  1. Review and revise their Transgender Athlete Participation Policy so that it does not mandate requirements of transgender athletes that are not likewise placed on their cisgender peers.
  2. Suspend the new eligibility requirements during the revision period, and provide sufficient notice and a series of public information sessions when any updated policy is enacted.
  3. Directly involve transgender and nonbinary athletes, their families and coaches, and subject matter experts in the policy-making process.

To learn more visit www.transclimbersbelong.org

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Signatures: 11,902Next Goal: 15,000
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