ASU Coronavirus

ASU Coronavirus

January 26, 2020
Petition to
ASU students
Signatures: 27,104Next Goal: 35,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by T B

The students of ASU do not feel comfortable attending classes due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus. Until proper precautions have been taken to ensure the wellbeing of the students, such as disinfecting areas the student with Novel Coronavirus was present, ASU students want their classes canceled. There are people at ASU with a compromised immune system who might easily, and unfortunately, fall victim to this contagious virus. We feel rightful to ask of this because ASU has said it from time on time that, "The health or Sun Devil community is a top priority at ASU." Students just want to know more information about this virus before going on campus. We do not want to risk our lives by attending class. According to Kari Lake from Fox10, another ASU student has now been transported to the same hospital w' CV symptoms, this student also traveled to China recently. We need more information ASAP.

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Signatures: 27,104Next Goal: 35,000
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