Faculty Research Travel Grant Program

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The Office of Research is pleased to announce the Faculty Research Travel Program FY2024 aimed to promote research and scholarly activities across the college. Awards will support out-of-town faculty travel to disseminate the results of research, creative activities, or other scholarly endeavors or to develop new research collaborations and funding opportunities. The program is funded from Indirect Cost Returns generated from external grants awarded to CCNY faculty. Faculty Research Travel awards are not designed to support the travel expenses fully but rather to assist in defraying a significant portion of the costs. Faculty are expected to explore and utilize other mechanisms to fund their trips as centrally available funds are limited. Faculty Travel awards will reimburse for domestic or international travel.

This support may be used for registration, economy transportation, lodging, and receipted meal costs not provided by other sources of support. All applications for travel funding should be submitted prior to the date of travel. The award is subject to merit review and availability of funds. Reimbursement is not guaranteed with the application. Faculty may receive one travel award under this program over a two-fiscal-year period. The Faculty Research Travel Program funds allocated will subject to all CUNY travel policies. In addition, both CUNY and RFCUNY provide similar travel support programs. You are strongly encourage to apply to these programs before applying to this Faculty Research Travel Program.

Categories Supported

  1. Category 1: Travel to Develop Research Funding Opportunities

    Awards in this category will support faculty travel to develop new research funding opportunities or to establish new collaborations that have the potential to yield external research funding in the future. These trips will typically involve meeting with potential research collaborators or research funding program managers when a "virtual" meeting is inadequate. Travelers are encouraged to visit multiple agencies or program managers during a single trip, especially when traveling to Washington, DC. A maximum amount of $500 may be requested for travel under this category.

  2. Category 2: Travel to Disseminate Research Results

    Awards in this category will support faculty travel to disseminate the results of research, creative activities or other significant scholarly endeavors. These trips will typically involve delivering a presentation or exhibition before an audience of peers or the broader community. Confirmation of the faculty member's participation in the conference or event is required at the time of application. A maximum amount of $1500 may be requested for travel under this category.

How to Apply

Requests must be submitted using the following online application form.

Application Review Process

Applications for travel in FY24 will be reviewed according to the schedule below. Faculty may submit applications at any time before the travel date, but award decisions will be made four times per year (September 30, December 30, March 30, and June 30). Faculty therefore may not receive an award decision before the start of their trip.

Please note:

  • All untenured Assistant Professors irrespective of their division/school will receive the highest priority for funding.
  • Tenured Associate Professors in the humanities and social sciences will receive the next highest level of priority; tenured Associate Professors in the Engineering, Science, and Medical fields will also be accorded similar levels of priority but their funding levels will be reduced to 50% of the maximum amounts i.e. $250 and $750 for Categories 1 and 2, respectively.

Applications from Full Professors in Engineering, Science, and Medical fields and Distinguished Professors will ordinarily not be considered. Such faculty are expected to have other avenues to fund their research and travel. Applications from Full Professors in other fields will be supported as funds allow, up to 50% of the maximum amount. Applications from Assistant and Associate Professors will generally be given higher priority.

Awards & Reimbursement

  • Award recipients must provide documentation to support their participation in the meeting and provide expense details and receipts to validate reimbursement claims. The reimbursement policy for the travel reimbursement can be found here. The form to file claims may be found here. Requests for reimbursement should be made within one month of the end of the trip by email to Malina Seenarine. Contact information is as shown below

  • The Faculty Research Travel Program is administered through the Office of Research. Please contact Dr. Ranajeet "Ronnie" Ghose or Jackie Lee Weissman with questions.

Last Updated: 07/02/2024 10:36