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Tag Archives: CAP TODAY webinars upcoming and on-demand

Register for our Upcoming Webinar

It’s Hard to Treat What You Can’t See: The Molecular Diagnostics Perspective in Oncology Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 1:00 PM–2:00 PM ET Webinar presenter Yi Ding, MD, PhD, System and Core Lab Director, Molecular Diagnostics, Associate Director, Pathology Residency Program, Geisinger Medical Center will discuss common practice for pathology labs to evaluate >50% cytological specimens across solid tumors especially in lung and pancreatic cancers. Many of these cytological specimens require molecular profiling to help confirm diagnoses and guide treatment decisions. Hear why a high Quantity Not Sufficient (QNS) from reference labs is unacceptable for your patients, especially after weeks of waiting, and how you can bring a robust amplicon-based comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) in-house to ensure that you get answers when it counts.

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Register for our upcoming webinar

Genomic profile availability impact on NSCLC patient outcomes in real world study and daily practice
UPDATE: Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024, 1:00–2:00 PM ET

Webinar presenters Melina Marmarelis, MD, MSCE, and Salvatore Fortunato Priore, MD, PhD, will discuss a real-world study cohort utilizing electronic health records to assess the impact of the availability of genomic profiles on guiding first-line therapy and patient outcomes. They found that the availability of molecular genotyping results before first-line therapy was associated with significantly better overall survival, and that concurrent tissue and plasma testing was associated with higher odds of availability of results before first-line therapy.

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Register for our Upcoming Webinar
Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 1:00 PM–2:00 PM ET
Webinar presenter Jerald Radich, MD, Professor, University of Washington School of Medicine, Member Clinical Research Division, Kurt Enslein Endowed Chair, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center will discuss the new NCI program in precision medicine (“myeloMATCH”), especially the groundbreaking rapid genetic testing using the NCI Myeloid NGS Assay. This webinar will help you identify the implications of rapid (<72 hour) cytogenetic, flow cytometry, and NGS mutation testing on enabling expeditious patient assignment to particular myeloMATCH clinical trials based on matching their risk group and genetic lesions to available target therapies.

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Combining Clinical Signs and Symptoms with Histopathology for Definitive Diagnosis of Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease (iMCD)

Webinar presenter Jadee Neff, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Duke University Medical Center, discusses Definitive Diagnosis of Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease (iMCD), including the pivotal role that pathologists play in diagnosing iMCD, an elusive and debilitating disease that poses unique diagnostic challenges.

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Empowering Pathology Partnerships
for Growth & Rewards with GoPath

Webinar presenters Jim Lu, MD, PhD, CEO, Medical Director GoPath Diagnostics, and Kenneth Bloom, MD, Head of Pathology, Nucleai, discuss the future of partnerships between community-based pathology groups and (national) laboratories, including sub-specialty coverage, workload balancing, solutions in high-tech diagnostics, turnkey support for digital path and AI, and opportunities for more revenue and higher profits.

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Implementation of an FDA-cleared tumor profiling assay to enable localized Precision Oncology testing for patients

Webinar presenters Alexander Craig MacKinnon, Jr, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Darshan Chandrashekar, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology-Genomic Diagnostics and Bioinformatics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, and Shuko Harada, MD, Professor, Department of Pathology-Genomic Diagnostics and Bioinformatics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, discuss rapid biomarker identification and how it promises more comprehensive approaches.

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Diagnostic Stewardship in Acute Infectious Gastroenteritis: What Can Real-World Data Tell Us?

Webinar presenter Ferric C. Fang, MD, discusses the relationship between diagnostic test method and clinical outcomes, challenges in diagnostic testing for acute infectious gastroenteritis, how real-world data shows us the impact diagnostic testing can have on clinical outcomes, and the role of diagnostic stewardship in optimizing diagnostic testing for gastroenteritis.

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Recommendations for reporting race free estimated glomerular filtration rate

Webinar presenter Greg Miller, PhD, Professor of Pathology, Director of Pathology Information Systems, Co-Director of Clinical Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University Health System, Richmond, Virginia, discusses why all labs should be using the 2021 CKD-EPI equations for eGFR from creatinine, how the new equations will standardize laboratory practice to improve patient care, and when and how follow up testing for CKD should be performed.

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IVD vs. RUO–Is Your Laboratory Relying on the Right Products? What you need to know to protect patients and your laboratory.

Webinar presenter Sebastian Gromminger, PhD, Strategic Expert in the field of in-vitro diagnostics with a focus on molecular genetic diagnostics, Consultant for the approval of in-vitro diagnostics, Johner Institut GmbH, discusses what the “Research Use Only” (RUO) label means and its consequences for medical laboratories, manufacturers, and patients.

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