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Mail to: College of American Pathologists, 325 Wau­ke­gan Road, Northfield, IL 60093-2750.

Editorial Office
College of American Pathologists
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093
847-832-7000; fax 847-832-8153

Publisher: Bob McGonnagle | 847-832-7476 | bmcgonn@cap.org

Editor: Sherrie L. Rice | 847-832-7504 | srice@cap.org

Managing Editor: Kimberly Carey | 847-832-7249 | kcarey@cap.org

Senior Editor: Amy Carpenter Aquino | 847-832-7245 | aaquino@cap.org

Associate Editor: Kristen Eberhard | 847-832-7649 | keberha@cap.org

Associate Contributing Editor: Charna Albert | 847-832-7274 | calbert@cap.org

Circulation Director: Kimberly Gilfillan | 847-832-7456 | fax 847-832-8153 | subscription@cap.org

Subscriptions: Fax: 847-832-8153 | ctd@omeda.com | Subscribe

Publisher: Bob McGonnagle | 847-832-7476 | fax 847-832-8153 | bmcgonn@cap.org

Sales Office:
Bob McGonnagle | 847-832-7476 | fax 847-832-8153 | bmcgonn@cap.org
Keith Eilers | 847-832-7528 | keilers@cap.org

Advertising Directors:
West and East—Lori Prochaska | 402-290-7670 | lori@captoday.org
Midwest and East—Alex Prochaska | 402-290-8203 | alex@captoday.org

Classified advertising
Send copy to: KERH Group, PO Box 207, Parker Ford, PA 19457
Call 888-489-1555 | sales@kerhgroup.com
Deadline: 15th of month preceding desired issue date.

Digital Production Editor: Mary Lindsay | 847-832-7377 | mlindsa@cap.org

Managing Periodicals Editor: Keith Eilers | 847-832-7528 | keilers@cap.org

Production Editor: Jane Ure | 847-832-7980 | jure@cap.org

Periodicals Production Assistant: Tracy Erski | 847-832-7514 | terski@cap.org


For changes of address, please notify publisher at least six weeks in advance. Include both old and new ad­dresses and a mailing label from the most recent issue.