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Point-of-Care Testing

People, partners, and platforms at the point of care

September 2023—Point-of-care testing—the requests and the committees that oversee them, the connectivity, what AI might bring. CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle on July 21 met online with a laboratory operations director and a medical director from large health systems and with company representatives for a look at where things stand today. Their conversation follows.

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Views on point of care versus core and more

February 2023—Point of care or core lab? An old question but a new conversation, this one on Jan. 12 between Stan Schofield, Brian Durkin, and CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle (asking the questions). Here’s what they said about that and health care economics, autoimmune testing, tube supplies—and, of course, the labor shortage because it affects nearly everything in health care.

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How close to patients? Cost, quality, competition

July 2022—Point-of-care versus centralized testing, and automation, IT, and staffing. It all came together as industry executives and a laboratory director and a former medical director met with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle on May 25, as CAP TODAY’s list of chemistry and immunoassay analyzers was going together. “I don’t worry much about the machines or reagents,” thanks to good-quality practices, said André Valcour, PhD, MBA, DABCC, of Labcorp, who noted the real focus is quality of information and information transfer. Susan Fuhrman, MD, formerly of OhioHealth, said, “We should always give our clinicians as much information as we can accurately produce and our reports should be as clear as we can make them.” And of the staffing crisis: “We have a perfect storm,” she said. Here is more of what they and the others had to say.

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