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AI virtuosos reveal ins, outs, hopes, doubts

Four views of artificial intelligence in pathology and laboratory medicine. That’s what panelists provided for attendees at the 7th Clinical Lab 2.0 workshop in late February in Chicago. The University of Michigan’s Ulysses G. J. Balis, MD, spoke of AI’s use in laboratory operations and diagnostics. Tom Neufelder of Beckman Coulter spotlighted its use in instruments and postanalytically. Gaurav Sharma, MD, of Henry Ford Health is the skeptic, and the University of Pittsburgh’s Michael Becich, MD, PhD, is the rabid enthusiast who is working to unite pathology’s reports and calls himself a data plumber.

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AP and CP reporting, from interfaces to IT wishes

March 2024—Anatomic and clinical pathology reporting—what’s working, what’s missing. Three pathologists (all board certified in informatics) and representatives of three information system companies met online Dec. 19 with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle to talk about reporting needs and what’s optimal. The first half of their discussion was published in the February issue, with CAP TODAY’s guide to anatomic pathology computer systems. The second half begins here.

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AP and CP reporting—the needs, the caveats

February 2024—Anatomic and clinical pathology reporting—what’s working, what’s missing. Three pathologists (all board certified in informatics) and representatives of three information system companies met online Dec. 19 with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle to talk about reporting needs, the changes, what’s optimal. The first half of their discussion begins here; the second half will be published in the March issue.

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Generative AI, from education to corner cases

Generative artificial intelligence—what it is, how it can be used in pathology, what stands in its way, why the excitement. CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle spoke about that and more with pathologists Bobbi Pritt, MD, MSc, and Scott Anderson, MD; Ajit Singh, PhD, of Stanford and Artiman Ventures; and Devon Snedden, a health care consultant in artificial intelligence. “There are a lot of excellent possibilities that we’re just starting to understand and explore for the field of pathology,” said Dr. Pritt of Mayo Clinic.

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Minds shift on digital path, ‘massive change’ predicted

Is digital pathology on the move? Two who know it well say it is. Esther Abels, a precision medicine and biomedical regulatory health science expert who is CEO of SolarisRTC and former president of the Digital Pathology Association, and Michael Rivers, vice president/lifecycle leader of digital pathology at Roche Tissue Diagnostics, spoke in September with CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle, who got their take on where things stand.

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Lab information systems—where the needs are greatest

November 2022—What labs want and need from their lab information systems and what the missing pieces are in interoperability are what pathologists and LIS company reps talked to CAP TODAY publisher Bob McGonnagle about when they met online Sept. 12. “The biggest challenge is with device integration” in molecular testing, said J. Mark Tuthill, MD, of Henry Ford Health System. “We have million-dollar instruments and we’re still programming runs manually. We don’t have HL7 order feeds. We don’t have the ability to get result feeds outbound from those devices.”

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